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Minimum Tank Size90 litres / 23.78 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Pangio spp., commonly known as loaches, belong to the family Cobitidae and are characterized by their long, slender body shape and relatively high number of vertebrae. These fish are peaceful in nature and are often found in large aggregations. They are distinguishable by the position of their dorsal fin, which is located well behind the origin of the pelvic fins. Pangio species are widely distributed across South and Southeast Asia, with species diversity believed to be greater than currently recognized.

Aquarium Setup

For Pangio spp., a tank with a minimum size of 90 litres is recommended. A soft, sandy substrate is preferred as these fish enjoy digging and may bury themselves at times. Coarser gravel should be avoided to prevent stress or injury. Adding driftwood roots, branches, and dried leaf litter provides shelter and mimics their natural habitat. It is advisable to maintain dim lighting and incorporate aquatic plants like Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, and Cryptocoryne spp. Gentle filtration with minimal surface agitation is suitable, and precautions should be taken to prevent small fish from getting into filter intakes.


Pangio spp. exhibit peaceful behavior towards tankmates and are known to group together when resting. It is recommended to keep a group of at least 5-6 specimens to ensure their well-being. They are micropredators that sift through substrate to extract food like insect larvae and small crustaceans. While they accept sinking dried foods, regular meals of live and frozen options such as Daphnia, Artemia, bloodworms, and micro worms are essential for their diet.

Feeding and Diet

The diet of Pangio spp. primarily consists of micropredatory behavior where they sift through the substrate to extract insect larvae, small crustaceans, and organic detritus. In captivity, they accept sinking dried foods but should also be offered live and frozen options like Daphnia, Artemia, bloodworms, and micro worms to ensure proper nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information on the reproduction of Pangio spp. is currently unrecorded. Adult females of these fish tend to be heavier-bodied and slightly larger than males. Mature males can be identified by a branched and thickened first pectoral fin ray.

Habitat and Distribution

Pangio species are commonly found in shallow, slow-moving sections of forest streams, swamps, oxbows, and backwaters in regions such as South and Southeast Asia. They thrive in habitats with low mineral content and may inhabit waters with a pH as low as 3.0 to 4.0. Typically found in shady areas with dense vegetation, Pangio loaches prefer substrates composed of peat, mud, or sand often covered with leaf litter.


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