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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 8.01dgH / 143ppm

General Description

Pangio Sp. 'Pan04,' commonly known as the Panda Loach, is a peaceful species belonging to the Cobitidae family. It is recognized by its long, slender body, high number of vertebrae, and a dorsal fin positioned behind the pelvic fins’ origin. The species typically grows up to 8.0cm in size and is prevalently found in the Thai portion of the Mekong River basin.

Aquarium Setup

For a suitable aquarium setup, provide Pangio Sp. 'Pan04' with at least a 60-liter tank containing soft, sandy substrate to accommodate their digging habits. It is essential to offer ample hiding spaces with driftwood, branches, and dried leaf litter. Dim lighting, gentle filtration, and careful tank covering are crucial elements to mimic their natural habitat effectively. Maintaining water conditions with a pH range of 3.5-7.0, hardness of 0-143ppm, and a temperature between 21-26°C is recommended (see table).


Pangio Sp. 'Pan04' displays peaceful behavior towards tankmates and is often seen in large groupings. In captivity, they tend to congregate in nooks or caves, emphasizing the need for a group of at least 5-6 individuals. While peaceful with other fish, they may prey on eggs or fry. Optimal tankmates include small, peaceful species from similar environments to avoid conflicts.

Feeding and Diet

As micropredators, Panda Loaches sift through substrates for insect larvae and small crustaceans. Their diet likely consists of organic detritus and plant material. In captivity, they accept sinking dried foods but should be regularly fed live or frozen options like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms to ensure a balanced diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

There is no recorded information on the reproduction habits of Pangio Sp. 'Pan04.' Adult females are typically larger and heavier than males. Additionally, mature males exhibit thickened and branched first pectoral-fin rays, distinguishing them from females.

Habitat and Distribution

Pangio species, including Pangio Sp. 'Pan04,' are commonly found in shallow, slow-moving sections of forest streams and calm habitats like swamps and backwaters. They prefer habitats with minimal dissolved minerals, pH levels as low as 3.0-4.0, and substrates composed of peat, mud, or sand. The Panda Loach specifically hails from the Thai region of the Mekong River basin.


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