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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 8.01dgH / 143ppm

General Description
Pangio Sp. 'Pan05' is classified under the order Cypriniformes. These eel loaches are peaceful in nature, commonly found in aggregations both in the wild and captivity, preferring to rest together in small spaces like nooks or caves. They are often referred to as "eel loaches" and are known for their long, slender bodies and high vertebral count, distinguishing them from other cobitids.

Aquarium Setup
For a Pangio Sp. 'Pan05' aquarium setup, a soft, sandy substrate is recommended as they like to dig and bury themselves. Coarser gravel can stress the fish. Driftwood roots and branches creating shaded areas, along with dried leaf litter for cover, mimic their natural habitat. Dim lighting, gentle filtration, and careful tank covering to prevent jumping are essential. Aquatic plants from genera such as Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, and Cryptocoryne spp. can also be added.

These loaches are peaceful with tankmates but may prey on eggs or fry. In captivity, they prefer being in groups of at least 5-6 individuals. Small, peaceful species like Boraras, Rasboras, and certain sand-dwelling loaches make suitable tankmates, but research is vital to prevent aggression.

Feeding and Diet
Pangio Sp. 'Pan05' are micropredators, sifting through substrate for insect larvae and small crustaceans. Their diet includes organic detritus, plant material, and live/frozen foods like Daphnia, bloodworms, and micro worms. They accept sinking dried foods but thrive on varied live/frozen options.

Reproduction & Dimorphism
Information on the reproduction of Pangio Sp. 'Pan05' is unrecorded. Adult females are slightly larger and heavier-bodied compared to males, showing sexual dimorphism.

Habitat and Distribution
Pangio species are commonly found in shallow, slow-moving freshwater habitats like forest streams and swamps in South and Southeast Asia. While specific distribution of Pangio Sp. 'Pan05' is unclear, they are imported alongside P. anguillaris, which is known to inhabit various regions in Southeast Asia.

Note: Please refer to the parameter table for specific tank conditions.


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