Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size50 litres / 13.21 US gallons
Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 24°C / 75.20°F

General Description

There are over 180 described species of Corydoras, also known as "corys," making it one of the most diverse South American fish genera. They are peaceful bottom-dwelling fish with a distinct armoured appearance due to rows of bony plates. Corydoras are facultative air breathers, possessing an adaptation to breathe atmospheric air. These catfish are popular in the aquarium hobby for their peaceful nature and cute appearance.

Aquarium Setup

For Corydoras loxozonus, a tank setup of at least 50 litres with fine sand substrate, smooth rocks, bogwood shelter, and dense planting is recommended. Providing floating cover and surface turbulence aids their well-being. Avoid undergravel filtration and maintain a clean substrate to prevent barbel infections. Ensuring well-oxygenated water and temperatures between 21-24°C are crucial for their health (see table).


Corydoras are very peaceful fish suitable for community tanks with small, non-aggressive companions. They thrive in groups of at least 6 individuals, displaying more confidence and activity around conspecifics. These catfish are primarily benthic but may occasionally surface to breathe atmospheric air. During breeding, males exhibit chasing behavior, and females lay eggs on tank glass areas with high water flow.

Feeding and Diet

Corydoras loxozonus accept sinking dried foods, live, and frozen varieties like bloodworms and brine shrimp. Offering a varied diet ensures their optimal health. They scavenge for uneaten food but should not be solely reliant on tank-bottom scraps, requiring sinking foods to meet their nutritional needs.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Corydoras involves conditioning males and females with a varied diet and providing proper breeding tank conditions. Females lay eggs on tank glass, with males fertilizing them in a unique "t-position" mating ritual. Sexual dimorphism is evident in the rounder, larger females, especially when carrying eggs. The fry hatch in 3-4 days and feed on microworms and brine shrimp nauplii.

Habitat and Distribution

Corydoras loxozonus are native to the Rio Meta basin in Colombia. They prefer well-oxygenated waters with a pH of 6.0-7.2 and a hardness of 2-12 dH. These catfish inhabit the bottom regions of freshwater habitats, often found in groups or schools.


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