Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size45 litres / 11.89 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 23°C / 73.40°F

General Description

The Corydoras Melanotaenia, also known as the Green-Gold Cory, is part of the Callichthyidae family, specifically the Corydoradinae subfamily. It is one of the numerous species within the Corydoras genus, characterized by its armored catfish features, bony plates instead of scales, and sharp pectoral fin spines. With over 180 described species, these fish are popular among hobbyists due to their peaceful nature, cute appearance, and diverse variations, often identified using a numbering system like the L number scheme for Loricariids.

Aquarium Setup

The Green-Gold Cory thrives in a tank mimicking an Amazon biotope or a well-planted setup. In an Amazon biotope, river sand substrate, driftwood, twisted roots, and dried leaves create a natural habitat. Simulating blackwater conditions with peat in the filter enhances the environment. Alternatively, in a standard planted tank, meticulous maintenance is crucial as Corydoras species are sensitive to deteriorating water quality, requiring clean substrates and avoiding undergravel filtration. Specific tank conditions include a pH range of 6.0-7.2, hardness of 2-15 dH, and a temperature of 20-23°C.


Green-Gold Corys are highly peaceful and ideal for community tanks, preferring small, non-aggressive tankmates such as characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and peaceful catfish. Keeping them in groups of at least six fosters confidence and activity, mirroring their natural schooling behavior. These bottom-dwelling fish exhibit benthic tendencies, occasionally darting to the surface to gulp atmospheric air due to their facultative air-breathing capability. While generally docile, they may display minor intraspecific aggression, mainly in long-nosed variations.

Feeding and Diet

Omnivorous Green-Gold Corys accept sinking pellets or tablets as staple food and benefit from a diverse diet including live and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms. Maintaining a varied diet enhances their health and vitality, ensuring proper nutrition intake. Regular feeding schedules and monitoring are essential to prevent malnutrition or overfeeding, promoting their well-being within the aquarium.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Green-Gold Corys involves setting up a breeding tank with suitable substrate, vegetation, and optimal water conditions. A higher male-to-female ratio is recommended, conditioning the group with varied foods to encourage spawning. Observing spawning behavior reveals distinct courtship rituals where males fertilize eggs deposited by females, often on glass surfaces. Easily sexed from above, females appear rounder and broader when carrying eggs, showcasing clear sexual dimorphism characteristics.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Green-Gold Corys are native to the Rio Meta basin in Colombia, favoring cooler waters typical of small tributaries, creeks, flooded forest areas, and sandy banks. Adaptable to various aquatic environments, these fish thrive in densely vegetated, oxygen-rich waters resembling their origin, showcasing resilience and flexibility to different tank setups conducive to their well-being.


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