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Minimum Tank Size45 litres / 11.89 US gallons
Maximum Size6.5cm / 2.56inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 23°C / 73.40°F


The Natterer's Cory is known to be very peaceful and is suitable for many community tanks but should not be kept with very large or aggressive tankmates. Good companions include small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and other peaceful catfish. It is essential to pay close attention to the temperature requirements of other species when selecting tankmates, as many commonly available fish struggle to thrive in slightly cooler conditions. It is recommended to maintain Corydoras in groups of at least six as they are more confident and active in the presence of conspecifics.

Feeding and Diet

As an omnivorous species, the Natterer's Cory is easy to feed and can be given a good quality sinking pellet or tablet as its staple diet. It is beneficial to supplement this diet with live and frozen foods such as Daphnia, Artemia, bloodworm, and similar options to provide a balanced nutritional intake.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

For breeding the Natterer's Cory, set up a breeding tank with appropriate dimensions and substrate, ensuring a higher ratio of males to females. Condition the group on a varied diet to encourage spawning. The fish typically lay their eggs on the tank glass in an area with high water flow. Males actively pursue females, and spawning behavior involves a specific "t-position" with fertilization occurring near the female's pelvic fins. Females deposit eggs in a "basket" formed by their pelvic fins. They hatch in 3-5 days, and fry accept microworm and brine shrimp nauplii as first foods. Sexual dimorphism is noticeable; females appear rounder and broader-bodied when full of eggs.

Habitat and Distribution

The Natterer's Cory, belonging to the Callichthyidae family, is native to the coastal zones of southern Brazil, ranging from Espírito Santo to Paraná. It prefers cooler waters and inhabits small tributaries, creeks, areas of flooded forests, and sand banks.

Aquarium Setup

To create a suitable aquarium environment for the Natterer's Cory, replicate an Amazon biotope by using river sand substrate, driftwood branches, twisted roots, and dried leaves to mimic its natural habitat. Alternatively, a well-planted tank with dim lighting can also cater to its needs. Avoid undergravel filtration and maintain a clean substrate, as these fish are sensitive to deteriorating water conditions.

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