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Minimum Tank Size71 litres / 18.76 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

Corydoras Ornatus, a species belonging to the Callichthyidae family and Corydoradinae subfamily, is considered an attractive larger cory with a maximum size of approximately 7.0cm. Originating from the Lower Rio Tapajó basin in Brazil, these peaceful fish are best kept in groups of at least six individuals to enhance their confidence and activity levels in community tanks.

Aquarium Setup

For an optimal aquarium setup for Corydoras Ornatus, it is recommended to use a substrate of fine sand, along with smooth rocks, chunks of bogwood, and areas of thick planting for shelter. Providing floating cover and ensuring surface turbulence and flow in well-oxygenated water are also essential. Avoid undergravel filtration and maintain a clean substrate, as these catfish are sensitive to poor water conditions.


Known for their peaceful nature, Corydoras Ornatus is suitable for community tanks with small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and other peaceful catfish as suitable tankmates. They should not be housed with very large or aggressive fish. These corys exhibit more confidence and activity when kept in the company of conspecifics, hence maintaining them in groups is crucial for their well-being.

Feeding and Diet

Corydoras Ornatus readily accepts a varied diet that includes sinking dried foods, small live and frozen varieties such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and chopped earthworms. Feeding a diverse diet ensures that these fish remain in optimal condition and health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Limited information is available on the captive breeding of Corydoras Ornatus; however, similar breeding techniques used for other Corydoras species can likely be applied. To encourage breeding, it is advised to set up a breeding tank with specific conditions, such as appropriate substrate, filtration, vegetation, temperature, and pH levels. When spawning occurs, the fish exhibit specific behaviors, with males pursuing females and engaging in fertilization processes. Females can lay eggs on tank glass, with multiple males often competing to fertilize them. It is crucial to provide appropriate care for the eggs and fry to ensure successful hatching and survival.

Habitat and Distribution

Although specific habitat information is unknown, Corydoras Ornatus is native to the Lower Rio Tapajó basin in Brazil. These catfish species are typically found in freshwater environments with a pH range of 6.0-7.2, hardness of 2-15°dH, and a temperature range of 22-26°C.


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