Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

Corydoras Pantanalensis, also known as C005, belongs to the Callichthyidae family. This species, native to the Pantanal wetland area in Bolivia, has a maximum size of 8.0cm. They are peaceful fish suitable for community tanks, best kept in groups of at least 6 individuals for increased confidence and activity levels.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a brightly-lit aquarium with abundant plants and some floating vegetation should be provided to mimic their natural habitat. Avoid undergravel filtration and ensure the substrate is meticulously clean, as C. Pantanalensis is sensitive to dirty substrates.


These catfish are peaceful and compatible with small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and other peaceful catfish. They thrive in groups of conspecifics and should not be housed with aggressive or significantly larger tankmates.

Feeding and Diet

C. Pantanalensis readily accepts sinking dried foods, live, and frozen varieties such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and chopped earthworms. A varied diet is essential to maintain optimal health and condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding C. Pantanalensis involves setting up a breeding tank with appropriate parameters and a higher ratio of males to females. They typically lay eggs on the tank glass, with males displaying specific courtship behaviors. Males exhibit a reticulated patterning absent in females, with males being smaller and slimmer.

Habitat and Distribution

Originating from the Pantanal, the largest wetland habitat globally, these catfish prefer crystal-clear waters abundant in aquatic vegetation. The Pantanal spans approximately 150,000 square kilometers and stands as a significant biotope distinct from the Amazon due to its unique features.


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