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Minimum Tank Size71 litres / 18.76 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 24°C / 75.20°F

General Description

There are over 180 described species of Corydoras, collectively known as Cory, making it one of the most diverse South American fish genera. Corydoras Schwartzi, also known as Schwartz's Cory, belongs to the Callichthyidae family and has a maximum size of 7.0cm. Endemic to the Rio Purus drainage in Brazil, these fish inhabit small tributaries, creeks, flooded forest areas, and sand banks.

Aquarium Setup

For a tank replicating an Amazon biotope suitable for Corydoras Schwartzi, a river sand substrate, driftwood branches, and twisted roots create a natural environment. Dried beech or oak leaves can be added to tint the water a tea color. An optional net bag of aquarium-safe peat in the filter aids in simulating black water conditions. Alternatively, a well-planted tank with a good maintenance regime is also ideal, avoiding undergravel filtration and ensuring a clean substrate. Maintain water conditions within a pH range of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 1-15°dH, and a temperature of 22-24°C.


Schwartz's Cory is known to be very peaceful and suitable for community tanks, getting along with small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and peaceful catfish. They thrive when kept in groups of at least six, displaying more confidence and activity in the presence of conspecifics. Corydoras are primarily benthic but exhibit various behaviors, including facultative air breathing, which helps them survive in oxygen-deprived environments by gulping air at the water's surface.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivorous, Corydoras Schwartzi is easy to feed, accepting sinking pellets or tablets as a staple diet. Supplementing their diet with live and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworm enhances their nutrition. Corys are prone to infections if kept in dirty conditions, so maintaining a clean tank and providing sinking varieties of food are crucial for their health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Corydoras Schwartzi requires a setup with a bare bottom or fine substrate, vegetation clumps, air-powered filtration, and water conditions of around 75°F and pH 6.5. Inducing spawning in this species can be tricky, with a preference for a higher ratio of males to females. Female Corydoras are easily distinguished by their rounder, broader bodies, especially when full of eggs. Successful breeding involves spawning behavior characterized by an initial increase in activity, the "t-position" mating pose, and egg fertilization, typically resulting in the eggs being laid on the tank glass.

Habitat and Distribution

Found exclusively in the Rio Purus drainage in Brazil, Corydoras Schwartzi prefers habitats like small tributaries, creeks, areas of flooded forests, and sandy banks. Their natural environment influences their tank setup requirements, with a preference for river sand substrates, driftwood, and dried leaves to replicate the Amazon biotope. Maintaining water parameters within specific ranges and providing suitable tank mates are essential for their well-being.


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