Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

The Peru Black Cory (Corydoras Semiaquilis) is part of the Callichthyidae family and Corydoradinae subfamily. It is a peaceful and popular species in the aquarium hobby, known for its cute appearance and peaceful nature. With over 180 described species, Corydoras is one of the most diverse South American fish genera, often recognized by its bony plates and sharp pectoral fin spines.

Aquarium Setup

For the optimal care of Peru Black Cory, it is recommended to set up a tank replicating an Amazon biotope with river sand substrate, driftwood, twisted roots, and dried leaves to mimic natural habitats. A tank size of at least 70 litres is advised. Consider adding aquatic-safe peat in the filter for black water conditions. Maintaining clean water conditions is crucial as this species is sensitive to deteriorating environments and should not be kept with undergravel filtration.


Peru Black Cory is very peaceful and thrives when kept in groups of at least six individuals. They are suitable for community tanks with small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, smaller cichlids, and peaceful catfish. While generally non-aggressive, male Corydoras can display aggression towards each other, especially in confined spaces. These fish are bottom-dwellers and may exhibit air-breathing behavior, surfacing occasionally for atmospheric oxygen intake.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivorous, Peru Black Cory readily accepts sinking pellets, tablets, live, and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms. A varied diet is essential for their health, and feeding them high-quality food ensures their nutritional requirements are met. They are not effective cleaners and may develop health issues if not provided with adequate sinking food.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

To breed Peru Black Cory successfully, set up a breeding tank with suitable water conditions, a varied diet, and an appropriate male-female ratio. Females are rounder and broader-bodied, especially when full of eggs, while males develop small bristles on their pectoral spines during spawning conditions. When breeding, the fish exhibit specific behaviors such as males pursuing females and engaging in the fertilization process.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the western Amazon basin in Peru and Brazil, Peru Black Cory inhabits small tributaries, creeks, pools, sand banks, and flooded forest areas. They are adapted to these freshwater environments, often found in schools and demonstrating natural behaviors such as foraging for food in the substrate. Maintaining water hardness between 1-12 dH, pH levels of 6.0-7.0, and a temperature range of 22-26°C is ideal for their health in captivity.


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