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Minimum Tank Size45 litres / 11.89 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

With over 180 described species, the Corydoras, commonly referred to as "corys," are one of the most diverse genera of South American fish. These peaceful aquarium residents are known for their benthic behavior and distinct armored bodies that lack scales. The Smudge Spot Cory, specifically Corydoras similis, is a popular choice among aquarists due to its peaceful nature and undeniably cute appearance. They are part of the Callichthyidae family and are adept at breathing atmospheric air to survive in low-oxygen environments.

Aquarium Setup

For Corydoras similis, an Amazon biotope tank setup is ideal, replicating their natural habitat in the Rio Madeira Basin, Brazil. Using river sand as a substrate, adding driftwood, dried leaves, and aquarium-safe peat for black water conditions enhances their environment. Alternatively, a well-planted tank with dim lighting can also suit them well, but maintaining pristine water conditions is crucial.


Corydoras similis are very peaceful and thrive in community tanks with small, non-aggressive fish like characins and dwarf cichlids. They prefer being in groups of at least six for increased confidence and activity. As benthic feeders, they are often mistakenly viewed as tank cleaners, though they require sinking foods for proper nutrition. During breeding, males exhibit elaborate courtship behaviors, fertilizing eggs laid by females on tank surfaces.

Feeding and Diet

These omnivorous fish readily accept sinking pellets or tablets as their staple diet, supplemented with live and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms. It is essential to ensure a varied diet to maintain their health and vibrancy.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Corydoras similis involves creating a suitable breeding tank with specific conditions such as appropriate substrate, filtration, and water parameters. The females, distinguishable by their rounder and broader bodies, lay eggs usually on the tank glass. Males fertilize the eggs, and once hatched, the fry feed on microworms and brine shrimp nauplii.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the Rio Madeira Basin in Brazil, Corydoras similis inhabits small tributaries, creeks, pools, and flooded forest areas. They are well-adapted to these freshwater environments and prefer well-oxygenated waters with a pH range of 5.6-7.0 and a temperature between 21-27°C.


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