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Minimum Tank Size45 litres / 11.89 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

There are currently over 180 described species of Corydoras, known for their peaceful nature and cute appearance. These fish are among the most speciose of South American fish genera, belonging to the Callichthyidae family and Corydoradinae subfamily. Renowned for their armor-like bodies and sharp pectoral fin spines, Corydoras are omnivorous and possess the ability to breathe atmospheric air when necessary.

Aquarium Setup

Corydoras Sodalis thrives in tank setups replicating an Amazon biotope. A river sand substrate, driftwood branches, twisted roots, and dried leaves create a natural environment. Alternatively, a well-planted tank is also suitable, but diligent maintenance is crucial due to their sensitivity to deteriorating water conditions. It's essential to avoid undergravel filtration and ensure a clean substrate for their well-being.


Corydoras are very peaceful fish suitable for community tanks with small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and peaceful catfish. Keeping them in groups of at least six promotes confidence and activity in these social fish. They exhibit schooling behavior in the wild and benefit from a group environment in captivity. Corydoras are facultative air breathers, occasionally surfacing to take in gulps of air, especially in oxygen-deprived conditions.

Feeding and Diet

These omnivorous fish readily accept sinking pellets or tablets as a staple diet. Supplementing with live and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms ensures a varied diet. Corydoras can be conditioned for breeding with a diverse diet of live, frozen, and dried foods.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Corydoras Sodalis can be spawned in a breeding tank with specialized conditions to encourage breeding behavior. Males and females are easily distinguishable, with females being rounder, especially when full of eggs. Spawning involves a courting ritual, where males fertilize eggs laid by females. Successful breeding requires attention to water quality, temperature, and oxygenation levels.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to small tributaries, creeks, pools, and flooded forest areas in the upper Amazon in Loreto, Peru, and Amazonas, Brazil, Corydoras Sodalis thrives in freshwater habitats with sandy bottoms and ample vegetation. They are well-adapted to the Amazonian ecosystem, displaying behaviors typical of fish in these regions.


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