Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size71 litres / 18.76 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Corydoras Spectabilis, commonly known as the Millenium Cory, earned its name for being the first catfish species described in the year 2000. They exhibit a unique spotted patterning on their body, allowing them to be distinguished from closely related Corydoras species. This species typically grows up to 7.0cm in length and belongs to the Callichthyidae and Corydoradinae families. It hails from the Guaporé River basin in Brazil.

Aquarium Setup (see table)

To create an ideal habitat for Corydoras Spectabilis, it is recommended to use a substrate of fine sand, along with smooth rocks and chunks of bogwood for shelter. Dense plantings, floating cover, and surface turbulence are appreciated. Avoid undergravel filtration and ensure a clean substrate to prevent these sensitive catfish from losing their barbels.


The Millenium Cory is incredibly peaceful, making them suitable for community tanks with small characins, cyprinids, anabantoids, dwarf cichlids, and other calm catfish. They thrive best when kept in groups of at least 6 individuals as they exhibit more confidence and activity in the presence of conspecifics.

Feeding and Diet

Corydoras Spectabilis are omnivorous and will accept most sinking dried foods, small live, and frozen varieties such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and chopped earthworms. Providing a varied diet ensures these fish remain in optimal condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

While limited captive breeding information is available for the Millenium Cory, it is suggested to set up a breeding tank with specific conditions. A higher ratio of males to females is recommended, along with conditioning the group on a varied diet. Spawning behavior involves males actively pursuing females, culminating in fertilization and egg deposition. Females are rounder and broader-bodied, especially when full of eggs.

Habitat and Distribution

Although specific habitat details are scarce, the type specimen was collected in the Matto Grosso region, suggesting clear water with abundant aquatic vegetation. Corydoras Spectabilis is native to the Guaporé River basin in Brazil.


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