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Minimum Tank Size45 litres / 11.89 US gallons
Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

There are currently over 180 described species of Corydoras, known for their peaceful nature and popularity in the aquarium hobby. One of the most speciose South American fish genera, they possess unique bony plates instead of scales. Corydoras are primarily benthic, but some species can also be found in open water. They are facultative air breathers, adapting to oxygen-deprived environments by breathing atmospheric air.

Aquarium Setup

For Corydoras trilineatus, a tank replicating an Amazon biotope with river sand, driftwood, and dried leaves is ideal. The setup should include dim lighting and a net bag filled with peat in the filter for black water conditions. It is crucial to maintain water quality, avoid undergravel filtration, and keep the substrate clean to prevent barbel infections.


Corydoras, including C. trilineatus, are peaceful and thrive in group settings. They are bottom-dwellers and will sift through the substrate for food but do not entirely clean the tank. In captivity, they exhibit schooling behavior and benefit from being kept in groups of at least six individuals. These fish are compatible with small, non-aggressive tankmates.

Feeding and Diet

Corydoras are omnivorous and accept sinking pellets or tablets as the staple diet. Supplementing their diet with live and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworms is recommended. Maintaining a varied diet ensures their nutritional needs are met and supports their overall health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Corydoras trilineatus is relatively straightforward and suitable for beginners. Providing a breeding tank with suitable substrate and vegetation, conditioning the fish with a varied diet, and inducing spawning through water changes are common practices. Sexing these fish is easily done from above, with females being rounder and broader-bodied, especially when full of eggs.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in small tributaries, creeks, and pools in parts of the Amazon basin across countries like Colombia, Peru, and Brazil, Corydoras trilineatus thrives in freshwater habitats. These fish prefer soft to moderately hard water with slightly acidic to neutral pH levels and temperatures ranging from 22-26°C.


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