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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size3.5cm / 1.38inches
Temperature17°C / 62.60°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm


  • Barbus hulstaerti is not typically suitable for most community tanks due to its shy and retiring nature, which may lead to intimidation or competition for food by larger or more boisterous tankmates.
  • It is recommended to select similarly-sized, peaceful African species as tankmates, such as B. jae, Aplocheilichthys spp., Ladigesia roloffi, or Lepidarchus adonis.
  • While Barbus hulstaerti is gregarious by nature, it is a shoaling species rather than schooling, establishing a distinct pecking order among males.
  • Maintaining a group of 8 or more individuals is ideal, but the tank must be of sufficient size to allow weaker fish respite from dominant conspecifics.
  • Inappropriate conditions such as being kept singly, in small groups, or in cramped spaces can lead to withdrawal and potential bullying of subdominant individuals.

Feeding and Diet

  • Stomach analyses of wild Barbus hulstaerti specimens have shown a diet primarily consisting of aquatic insect larvae and tiny crustaceans.
  • In an aquarium, they accept dried foods of appropriate size but should not be fed exclusively with these.
  • Optimal coloration and breeding condition are achieved through daily meals of small live and frozen foods like Daphnia and Artemia, supplementing their diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

  • Barbus hulstaerti is a seasonal spawner with breeding activity occurring twice a year, from March to June and September to November.
  • It is an egg-scattering, continuous spawner with minimal parental care, laying small numbers of eggs daily.
  • Controlled breeding may increase fry yield, with conditions like appropriate temperature affecting gender ratios of offspring.
  • Males exhibit brighter colors, especially during breeding, while females are duller, lack yellow fin coloration, and have a thicker belly.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa, Barbus hulstaerti inhabits slow-moving, shallow, shady rainforest streams and swamps with dense marginal vegetation.
  • Their natural habitat is characterized by soft, acidic, cool water stained brown from decomposing plant matter, scattered with leaves, twigs, and branches.
  • Specific localities where they have been recorded include the Momboyo River, Bokuma, Boende, Bowa River, and Pimo River in the Congo River drainage.

Aquarium Setup

  • For an optimal aquarium setup, a well-planted tank with soft water is recommended.
  • A biotope-style arrangement with a soft, sandy substrate, driftwood roots, branches, and dried leaf litter creates a natural environment.
  • Dim lighting, African plants like Anubias species, and floating vegetation to diffuse light are beneficial, mimicking their native habitat.
  • The tank should have gentle filtration (such as an air-powered sponge filter) and stable water parameters within the recommended range.


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