Fresh Water
Danio Dangila

Danio Dangila

Cypriniformes Print

Family: Cyprinidae
Synonym Names: Cyprinus dangila Hamilton, Danio deyi Sen, Perilampus reticulatus McClelland, Danio meghalayensis Sen & Dey
Classification Order: Cypriniformes

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Minimum Tank Size240 litres / 63.40 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Temperature16°C / 60.80°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General DescriptionThe Moustached Danio, scientifically known as Danio Dangila, belongs to the Cyprinidae family and falls under the Cypriniformes classification order. With a maximum size of 13.0cm, this species is characterized by its exceptionally long barbels, predominantly striped body patterning, and a higher proportion of red coloration in its fins compared to other D. dangila populations.

Aquarium SetupSetting up an aquarium for the Moustached Danio involves mimicking a flowing stream or river environment. Utilize variably-sized water-worn rocks, sand, fine gravel, and small boulders for the substrate, complemented by driftwood roots or branches. While most aquatic plants struggle in such conditions, hardy species like Microsorum, Bolbitis, or Anubias can be attached to the décor. Clean water with high oxygen levels and moderate water movement is essential, requiring a good-sized external filter or powerheads. Weekly water changes of 30-50% of the aquarium volume are recommended to maintain pristine conditions.

BehaviourThe Moustached Danio is not inherently aggressive but its constant activity and vigorous feeding habits may unsettle slow-moving or timid tankmates. Ideal tank companions include robust, similarly-sized fishes such as cyprinids, loaches, cichlids, catfishes, and characins, provided proper research is conducted to ensure compatibility. This schooling species thrives in groups of at least 8-10 individuals, reducing skittish behavior and enhancing the natural aesthetics of the display.

Feeding and DietIn its natural habitat, the Moustached Danio primarily preys on insects and their larvae. In the aquarium, it is an unfussy eater and will accept most foods. A staple diet of high-quality dried products should be supplemented with small live and frozen fare like bloodworms, Daphnia, and Artemia to enhance coloration and overall conditioning.

Reproduction & DimorphismAs an egg-scattering species with no parental care, the Moustached Danio spawns frequently in optimal conditions. Successful breeding typically occurs in densely-planted, mature aquariums. Sexually mature females exhibit a rounder belly and a white stripe near the anal-fin's distal edge, while males display a red stripe in the same area. Differences are more pronounced during spawning when males intensify in color and females fill with eggs.

Habitat and DistributionFound throughout the Ganges River basin, the Moustached Danio is commonly recorded in Nepal and the Brahmaputra drainage in India and Bangladesh. Initial specimens were reportedly collected from Bihar State, India, although sightings extend to Bhutan and Myanmar. Habitat versatility enables this species to thrive in varied environments, from mountain streams to sluggish, swampy areas with dense vegetation.


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