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Maximum Size5.5cm / 2.17inches

General Description

Garra Dampaensis is a species of cyprinid fish with distinguishing features such as a lack of transverse groove or proboscis on the snout, a falcate tip of the dorsal fin, a long axillary scale at the base of the pelvic fin reaching the base of the last pelvic fin ray, and a distinctive W-shaped black band across the middle of the caudal fin. This species also possesses scales on the abdomen, allowing for easy identification within its genus.

Aquarium Setup

The ideal aquarium setup for Garra Dampaensis should mimic its natural habitat, including clear, shallow, moderately fast-flowing streams with primarily rocky substrates. It is recommended to provide ample hiding spots using rocks and driftwood. A moderate water flow and high-quality filtration are essential. Tank mates should consist of peaceful species like Devario aequipinnatus, Garra cf. annandalei, and Schistura spp. (see table for more details).


Garra Dampaensis is known for its peaceful nature, making it suitable for community tanks. These fish often exhibit grazing behavior, using their modified lower lips to cling to surfaces in turbulent conditions. They are agile swimmers and can adapt to various water flow conditions, thanks to their specialized anatomy.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Garra Dampaensis scrape food items from the substrate using their keratinized upper and lower jaw margins. In captivity, they should be offered a varied diet consisting of quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. Providing a mix of vegetarian and protein-based foods will help maintain their optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

The reproductive behavior of Garra Dampaensis in the wild is not extensively documented. However, in captive settings, successful breeding often occurs in well-established aquariums with favorable water conditions. Sexual dimorphism in this species may manifest during the breeding season when males display more vibrant colors and slightly different body shapes compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Garra Dampaensis is endemic to the Seling River, located within the Dampa Tiger Reserve in Mizoram state, northeastern India. This river is a tributary of the Khawthlang Tuipui, part of the Karnaphuli drainage system. The species prefers habitats characterized by clear waters, rocky substrates, and moderate water flow. In the wild, it shares its living space with other fish species such as Devario aequipinnatus, Garra cf. annandalei, and various Schistura species.


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