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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size7.5cm / 2.95inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description: The Burmese Red-Tailed Garra, scientifically known as Garra Sp. 'Redtail,' is a species with a unique color pattern and a distinctive proboscis-like rostral process between the eyes that can act as an indicator of mood. Belonging to the Cyprinidae family and reaching a maximum size of approximately 7.5cm, this species is often sold under the name G. sp. ‘burmanicus’ in the aquarium trade.

Aquarium Setup: Setting up the aquarium for the Burmese Red-Tailed Garra involves replicating a flowing stream or river environment. The recommended tank size is a minimum of 160 liters, with a substrate of water-worn rocks, sand, and fine gravel. Driftwood, roots, or branches can be added along with hardy aquatic plants such as Microsorum and Anubias spp. Maintaining clean, well-oxygenated water with a turnover rate exceeding 10 times per hour is crucial for their well-being. The tank must have bright lighting to encourage biofilm growth, which is a vital component of their diet.

Behaviour: This species is relatively peaceful and can coexist well with other Indochinese species in a community tank setup. However, it is not tolerant of conspecifics and tends to exhibit aggressive behavior when kept alone. To mitigate aggression, it is advisable to keep them in groups of 3-4 or more, allowing the establishment of a pecking order within the group. Hierarchical disputes among individuals may involve charging, flaring of fins, and coloration changes, particularly in males.

Feeding and Diet: While the Burmese Red-Tailed Garra may graze on algae if available, it is not an exclusive herbivore. Their diet should consist of meaty foods like chironomid larvae, Tubifex, Artemia, prawn, and high-quality sinking dried foods with a significant vegetable component. Occasional offerings of fresh fruits and vegetables such as cucumber or spinach are beneficial, and homemade gelatine-bound recipes containing a mix of food items can also be provided.

Reproduction & Dimorphism: Information regarding the reproduction of the Burmese Red-Tailed Garra is currently unreported. Sexual dimorphism in this species is unconfirmed, but adult females are likely to have a thicker body compared to males. In other Garra species, sexually mature males often develop more prominent tubercules on the head and body during the spawning period.

Habitat and Distribution: Endemic to the headwaters of the Salween River basin in the border region between Myanmar and Thailand, this species is found in shady, fast-flowing stretches with clear, well-oxygenated water. The habitat features a substrate of sand, gravel, rocks, and leaf litter, with the presence of submerged driftwood and aquatic plants such as Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae. The Burmese Red-Tailed Garra shares its habitat with various other fish species typical of the region.

Please note that the water conditions suitable for the Burmese Red-Tailed Garra range from a pH of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 18-215ppm, and a temperature between 20-27°C.


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