Fresh Water
Hemibarbus Labeo

Hemibarbus Labeo

Cypriniformes Print

Family: Cyprinidae
Synonym Names: Cyprinus labeo Pallas, Gobio barbus Temminck & Schlegel, Barbus schlegelii Günther, Acanthogobio oxyrhynchus Nikolski, Pseudogobio chaoi Evermann & Shaw, Hemibarbus longianalis Kimura
Classification Order: Cypriniformes

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Maximum Size45.0cm / 17.72inches

General Description

The Barbel Steed, scientifically known as Hemibarbus Labeo, belongs to the family Cyprinidae within the order Cypriniformes. It is characterized by the absence of dark spots on its body in adults, an elongated body with a slightly convex dorsal profile, a longer head compared to its depth, and a prolonged snout. Additionally, it has well-developed lips, with broad and thick lateral lobes on the lower lip, and a small median process. The thickness of its barbel is shorter or equal to the diameter of its eye, with a strong dorsal spine measuring about 3/4 of the head length. The Barbel Steed also exhibits specific fin origins and ray structures.

Aquarium Setup

The Barbel Steed requires an aquarium setup mimicking its natural habitat. A tank with clear, well-oxygenated water and a substrate of sand, gravel, rocks, or mud is suitable for this riverine species. The presence of hiding spots like driftwood and plants will provide security. With a maximum size reaching up to 45.0 cm, ample swimming space is crucial. Tankmates should be chosen carefully to ensure compatibility with this schooling fish. (see table)


Adult Barbel Steeds typically form schools just above the substrate in their natural habitat, showing a preference for clear, running waters. Some populations are known to undertake annual spawning migrations. Males develop fine tubercules on their head and fins when they reach sexual maturity, indicating nuptial readiness.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Barbel Steeds feed on benthic crustaceans, insects, mollusks, and other macroinvertebrates. To replicate this diet in captivity, a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, live, and frozen foods should be provided. Ensuring a balanced diet rich in protein is essential for the optimum health of these fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During reproduction, male Barbel Steeds may exhibit increased aggression and territorial behavior. Nuptial males develop tubercules on their head and fins as a secondary sexual characteristic. Successful breeding may require specific conditions, such as changes in water parameters or the introduction of spawning sites to mimic their natural habitat.

Habitat and Distribution

The Barbel Steed is widespread in eastern Asia, with its range spanning between the Yangtze and Amur river basins, including countries like China, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia, and Japan. There are also reports of its potential introduction to the Mekong basin in Laos. The species predominantly inhabits clear, well-oxygenated, running waters with substrates of sand, gravel, rock, or mud.


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