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Maximum Size30.0cm / 11.81inches

General Description

Hypsibarbus salweenensis is a species within the order Cypriniformes, characterized by distinctive features such as long barbels, moderately-sized eyes, and a specific range of gill rakers and scale rows. The genus Hypsibarbus is recognized by two pairs of barbels, a serrated dorsal-fin spine, and other unique anatomical traits. These fish, considered valuable for food, are facing population declines primarily due to human activities like river damming and agriculture.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for H. salweenensis, it is essential to mimic its natural habitat conditions. This includes providing ample space for swimming as these fish are known to be migratory. A rocky substrate, plants for cover, moderate water flow, and a neutral pH level are recommended. For specific requirements, refer to the setup guidelines provided in the table.


These fish, collected from various aquatic environments such as headwater streams and main river channels, exhibit seasonal abundance, indicating a potentially migratory behavior. Understanding their migratory patterns can be crucial in replicating suitable conditions in captivity.

Feeding and Diet

H. salweenensis are omnivorous, their diet in the wild likely consists of a mix of plant matter, aquatic invertebrates, and small fish. When kept in aquariums, they can be fed a varied diet that includes high-quality flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and vegetable matter.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Details regarding the reproductive behavior and dimorphism specific to H. salweenensis are not explicitly outlined. However, typical of many Cyprinids, they are likely to engage in egg-scattering spawning behavior, whereby females release eggs and males fertilize them externally.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the Salween river system spanning Yunnan province in southern China, eastern Myanmar, and northwestern Thailand, H. salweenensis is typically found in submontane headwater streams and larger river channels. Their presence in the lower Salween river on a seasonal basis indicates a dynamic habitat preference.


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