Fresh Water
Hypsibarbus Vernayi

Hypsibarbus Vernayi

Cypriniformes Print

Family: Cyprinidae
Synonym Names: Barbus vernayi Norman, Barbodes daruphani luosuoensis Wu & Lin
Classification Order: Cypriniformes

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Minimum Tank Size860 litres / 227.19 US gallons
Maximum Size21.6cm / 8.50inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Hypsibarbus vernayi is a species of fish characterized by its robust body, typically with 4.5 scale rows between the lateral line and dorsal-fin origin. It has 8-12 rakers on the first gill arch, 9-11 predorsal scales, and 14 circumpeduncular scale rows. This species usually possesses one scale row separating the vent and anal fin and less than 29 lateral line scales. It is similar to H. wetmorei but can be distinguished by its yellow pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins. Hypsibarbus species are known for their foraging behavior, feeding on shrimps, snails, and a varied diet in aquarium settings.

Aquarium Setup

Maintaining Hypsibarbus vernayi in a suitable environment involves providing ample space and setting up a tank that resembles a flowing river. With a minimum tank size of 860 litres, the focus should be on maintaining excellent water quality and offering plenty of open swimming space. Decorate the aquarium with variably-sized rocks, gravel, water-worn boulders, and driftwood branches to mimic its natural habitat. The water conditions should include a hardness range of 36-268ppm, a pH level of 6.0-8.0, and a temperature between 20-26°C.


While generally not aggressive, Hypsibarbus vernayi may become territorial in confined spaces and display vigorous feeding behavior that can disturb slower or timid tankmates. Being a schooling species, it is recommended to keep them in groups of half a dozen or more individuals to promote natural behavior and well-being in captivity.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Hypsibarbus species feed on shrimps and snails, exhibiting benthic foraging behavior. In aquariums, they are easy to feed but require a varied diet that includes live and frozen foods like chironomid larvae, Daphnia, Artemia, along with high-quality dried flakes, granules, and plenty of vegetable matter to ensure proper nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information about the reproduction of Hypsibarbus vernayi is unreported. Sexually mature females may be deeper-bodied and potentially larger than males, indicating sexual dimorphism in this species.

Habitat and Distribution

Hypsibarbus vernayi prefers habitats with flowing water and abundant riparian vegetation, avoiding standing waters such as reservoirs. The species is distributed widely across mainland Southeast Asia, including countries like China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. While details about its reproductive habits are unknown, there are records of its occurrence in various river systems within its range.


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