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Maximum Size8.2cm / 3.23inches

General Description

Luciosoma spilopleura, commonly known as the Luciosoma or Luciosoma spilopleura, is a species that is often misidentified in the ornamental fish trade. It can be distinguished by its moderately pointed head, densely-arranged tubercles on the snout and mandible, and a distinct color pattern with dark spots on the flank and striped caudal fin. It has a green upper body, silver lower body, pink or yellow iris, and specific coloration on the fins.

Aquarium Setup

Setting up an aquarium for Luciosoma spilopleura involves replicating its natural habitat. These fish prefer smaller, fast-flowing headwater streams with rocky substrates. When kept in captivity, providing a tank with ample swimming space, rocks, stones, and gravel for substrate mimicking their natural environment will help them thrive. Aquarists should also ensure good water quality and a well-oxygenated environment (see table).


Luciosoma spilopleura is known to be a relatively peaceful species, particularly when kept in adequately sized groups. They are fast swimmers and may exhibit shoaling behavior, preferring the company of their own species. These fish are active during the day and may display interesting interactions with tank mates.

Feeding and Diet

In aquarium settings, Luciosoma spilopleura is an omnivorous species. They accept a variety of foods including high-quality flakes, pellets, live, and frozen foods. Offering a diverse diet comprising of both plant matter and protein sources will help maintain their health and vibrancy.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information about the specific breeding habits of Luciosoma spilopleura in captivity is limited. Like many Cyprinidae species, they are likely egg scatterers. To encourage breeding, providing suitable spawning sites with fine-leaved plants or spawning mops can be helpful. Dimorphism in this species may include subtle differences in coloration or body size between males and females.

Habitat and Distribution

Luciosoma spilopleura is native to Indonesia, specifically found in Sumatra and Kalimantan. They inhabit regions within the Batang Hari and Musi river systems in Sumatra, and the upper Kapuas River in West Kalimantan, as well as the Mahakam drainage in East Kalimantan. Their preference for smaller, fast-flowing streams with rocky substrates is characteristic of their natural habitat.


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