Fresh Water
Puntigrus Navjotsodhii

Puntigrus Navjotsodhii

Cypriniformes Print

Family: Cyprinidae
Synonym Names: Systomus navjotsodhii Tan 2012
Classification Order: Cypriniformes

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Maximum Size4.8cm / 1.89inches

General Description

The aquarium trade often features commercially-produced 'tiger barbs' in place of the lesser-known Puntigrus navjotsodhii. This species can be identified by distinct features such as broad black bars, red and black coloring on the fins, and a rhomboid-shaped, deep body. The genus Puntigrus was specifically established for this species, delineated from related members by its unique color pattern and other physical characteristics.

Aquarium Setup

For housing Puntigrus navjotsodhii, a spacious aquarium setup is recommended. A tank with adequate horizontal swimming space and ideally a dark substrate to enhance the fish's coloration is suitable (see table). Adding plants and driftwood to mimic its natural habitat is beneficial as it provides hiding spots and enrichment. Maintaining a stable water temperature and quality similar to its native environment aids in keeping these fish healthy.


Puntigrus navjotsodhii exhibit typical barb behavior, being active swimmers and displaying shoaling tendencies. In a group setting, they are known to interact with conspecifics and other tankmates. They may sometimes show aggression, particularly during feeding times or when establishing a pecking order within the group.

Feeding and Diet

In the aquarium, Puntigrus navjotsodhii accept a varied diet. They are omnivores that readily consume high-quality flake, pellet, and frozen foods. Offering them a mix of live or frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, and vegetable matter ensures a balanced diet that supports their health and color vibrancy.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information on the specific reproductive behaviors of Puntigrus navjotsodhii in the aquarium is limited due to its rarity in the hobby. However, in their natural habitat, they likely exhibit typical barb breeding characteristics. Sexual dimorphism may be subtle, with females potentially having rounder bellies when carrying eggs.

Habitat and Distribution

Puntigrus navjotsodhii is endemic to the upper Katingan and Barito river basins in Kalimantan Tangah, Central Kalimantan province, Indonesian Borneo. They inhabit small, clear-water streams with a variety of substrates, including sand, gravel, rocks, and leaf litter. In their native habitat, they coexist with various fish species like Rasbora, Garra, and Channa.


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