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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size3.5cm / 1.38inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 22°C / 71.60°F
Hardness3.03dgH / 54ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Sawbwa Resplendens, commonly known as 'Asian rummynose', 'rummynose rasbora', or 'naked microrasbora', stands out with its unique color pattern among Asian cyprinids. Belonging to the monotypic genus Sawbwa, it is part of the Cyprinidae family and is classified under Cypriniformes. The species' name derives from a native term meaning 'prince, chief,' capturing its regal appearance suggested by the Latin term 'resplendens,' meaning 'shining, glittering.'

Aquarium Setup

Ideal for planted tanks with a preference for a dark substrate, Sawbwa Resplendens thrives in a habitat featuring broken lines of sight to encourage natural behavior and decrease skittishness. Adding floating plants complements the setting, and it is crucial to maintain moderate water flow. The species requires water conditions with a pH range of 6.0-8.0, a temperature of 18-22°C, and a hardness level of 54-268ppm. For specific tank size and setup recommendations, refer to the table provided.


While generally peaceful towards other species, Sawbwa Resplendens is not the best community aquarium choice due to its small size and the aggressive interactions between rival males. It tends to exhibit shoaling behavior instead of schooling, with males often engaging in dominance struggles, especially in small groups. To mitigate aggression, maintaining a higher female-to-male ratio of at least 4:1 is advised, although obtaining females can be challenging due to the preference for shipping colorful males. Pairing or setting up a larger tank with obscured lines of sight can also help minimize male aggression.

Feeding and Diet

In its natural habitat, Sawbwa Resplendens likely feeds on small invertebrates and zooplankton. In an aquarium setting, it readily accepts dried foods but benefits from regular meals of small live and frozen fare such as Daphnia and Artemia. Providing a varied diet ensures the species receives adequate nutrition and remains healthy.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Sawbwa Resplendens involves depositing eggs among aquatic vegetation or on broad leaves. In captivity, synthetic spawning mops can be used, but successful spawning and fry rearing require specific conditions, including suitable temperatures and water hardness. Distinguishing between sexes is possible based on color patterns, where males display red on the head and caudal-fin lobes with a bluish sheen on the flanks, while females are uniformly olive to pale brown with a distinct dark marking anterior to the anal-fin.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Inlé Lake in Shan State, eastern Myanmar, Sawbwa Resplendens faces endangerment due to habitat loss caused by agricultural practices, pollution, and the introduction of non-native predatory species. Inlé Lake, situated at a high altitude with clear, shallow waters and a fertile substrate, harbors various endemic species, including S. resplendens. The lake's unique ecosystem, characterized by stilted villages and floating islands created by dense plant mats, provides a diverse habitat for numerous fish species, with S. resplendens predominantly found along vegetated margins.


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