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Minimum Tank Size28 litres / 7.40 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature21°C / 69.80°F - 24°C / 75.20°F

General Description

The Marbled Lyretail, scientifically known as Fundulopanchax Marmoratus, belongs to the Aplocheilidae family. It is a small fish with a maximum size of 6.0cm, endemic to Cameroon. This species is not an annual fish and is found in permanent bodies of water due to its limited natural range.

Aquarium Setup

To best care for Fundulopanchax Marmoratus, it is recommended to keep them in a species tank due to their specific requirements. The aquarium should have a minimum size of 28 litres and be set up with a dark substrate such as peat moss. Dense planting, driftwood for cover, and floating plants to dim the light are essential. Given their jumping propensity, a secure, tight-fitting cover is necessary. Peat filtration is advised for maintaining water quality within the hardness range of 5-12°dH, pH of 6.0-7.0, and a temperature of 21-24°C.


Due to the need for cool water and the species' restricted natural habitat, the Marbled Lyretail is best suited for a species tank setup. Their behavior is relatively peaceful as long as they have adequate hiding spots and foliage to explore.

Feeding and Diet

The Marbled Lyretail commonly feeds on small live or frozen foods like daphnia or bloodworms. However, they will also accept high-quality flake food. Providing a mix of these food types ensures proper nutrition and a varied diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction for Fundulopanchax Marmoratus is relatively straightforward. They are egg scatterers and require a separate spawning tank with soft, slightly acidic water. Males exhibit brighter colors compared to females. Spawning occurs daily in the presence of suitable conditions, with eggs hatching in 15-17 days. The fry, tiny at birth, require infusoria initially and can later be fed microworms or brine shrimp nauplii.

Habitat and Distribution

The Marbled Lyretail is native to Cameroon and is found in small streams and ponds within a single region of coastal rainforests. Their natural habitat comprises freshwater bodies with specific temperature and water quality requirements.


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