Fresh Water
Pachypanchax Playfairii

Pachypanchax Playfairii

Cyprinodontiformes Print

Family: Aplocheilidae
Synonym Names: Haplochilus playfairii Günther, Panchax playfairii Günther
Classification Order: Cyprinodontiformes

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Minimum Tank SizeN A
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness5.04dgH / 90ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

The Pachypanchax Playfairii, commonly known as Playfair's Panchax, is easily distinguished from other species by the presence of raised scales on the dorsal surface of most adult males and a black ocellus in the dorsal fin of females. Its habitat typically includes small streams under forest cover, making it the sole freshwater fish native to the Seychelles. This species belongs to the Aplocheilidae family and falls under the classification order of Cyprinodontiformes.

Aquarium Setup

To maintain Playfair's Panchax in an aquarium, ensuring a peaceful environment is crucial as smaller fish may be preyed upon. It is recommended to house this species alone due to its conservation status. If kept in a group, providing ample refuges is essential to prevent aggression among rival males. Despite males engaging in occasional fights, serious physical harm is rare.


Playfair's Panchax exhibits relatively peaceful behavior, except when rival males compete among themselves. While it can be kept in a group, the presence of adequate hiding spots is necessary. The fish may prey on smaller species, emphasizing the importance of ensuring compatible tankmates to avoid any conflicts.

Feeding and Diet

This species is an adaptable feeder, consuming high-quality dried foods, live, and frozen options like earthworms, bloodworms, Tubifex, and Daphnia. Additionally, offering gut-loaded wingless fruit flies and tiny crickets can provide essential nutrition. Maintaining a varied diet is crucial for the overall health of Playfair's Panchax.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Playfair's Panchax is relatively uncomplicated, with the species depositing eggs among live plants or synthetic mops. Optimal breeding conditions include a well-decorated tank, allowing some fry to escape predation by adults. Male specimens grow larger than females, showcasing more vibrant colors and distinctive reddish-brown spots on their flanks as they mature.

Habitat and Distribution

Originally endemic to the Granitic Seychelles, specifically islands such as Mahé, Praslin, Silhouette, and La Digue, Playfair's Panchax now also has a translocated population on Zanzibar. The species thrives in tropical moist forest environments, particularly in small streams under forest cover. However, its conservation status requires further assessment to determine the impact of habitat changes and potential threats.


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