Fresh Water
Pachypanchax Sakaramyi

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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size9.0cm / 3.54inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

The Madagascar Panchax (Pachypanchax Sakaramyi) is a relatively peaceful species that is well-established in the aquarium hobby. It is differentiated from its congener P. playfairii by various physical characteristics, such as red spots on the flanks of males and black margins on the caudal fin. This species belongs to the family Aplocheilidae and is classified under the order Cyprinodontiformes.

Aquarium Setup

For keeping Madagascar Panchax in captivity, an aquarium of at least 80 liters is recommended. It is best to maintain this species alone due to the likelihood of predation on smaller fishes. If kept in a group, the tank should have sufficient hiding places to prevent aggression. Water parameters should be maintained at a temperature of 20-24°C, pH 6.5-7.5, and hardness of 36-215 ppm (see table).


Madagascar Panchax exhibits peaceful behavior overall, but smaller fishes may become prey. In a group setting, males may engage in occasional fights, but serious harm is rare. To avoid issues, providing refuges in the aquarium is beneficial for the fish's well-being.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Madagascar Panchax feeds on terrestrial insects and benthic aquatic invertebrates. In captivity, they are unfussy eaters and accept a diet of quality dried products, live and frozen fare, including earthworms, bloodworms, Tubifex, and Daphnia. Wingless fruit flies and tiny crickets are also recommended if gut-loaded before feeding.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Madagascar Panchax is relatively straightforward, with eggs being deposited among live plants or synthetic mops. Males grow larger than females, display more vibrant colors, and develop extended fins as they mature. Spawning in a well-decorated set-up can help protect fry from being preyed upon by adults.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Madagascar and the granitic Seychelles, Madagascar Panchax is primarily found in high-gradient streams with intermittent pools. Populations have significantly declined due to invasive species, deforestation, and habitat loss. The Sakaramy River hosts the remaining populations, leading to its classification as "Critically Endangered" as per IUCN criteria. Captive breeding programs are active in various countries without specific habitat management procedures at the local level.


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