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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature2°C / 35.60°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 30.03dgH / 536ppm

General Description

Aphanius Men, also known as A. mento, is a species with a confused taxonomic history, originally considered synonymous with other species such as A. sophiae and A. cypris before being classified separately. This fish is noted for its attractive appearance and interesting behavior, making it a popular choice for dedicated hobbyists. While not as vibrant in coloration as some related species, the continuous activity of Aphanius species makes them intriguing aquarium subjects. The genus currently consists of 22 species and subspecies, all originating from a common ancestor distributed around the former Tethys Sea.

Aquarium Setup

For maintaining Aphanius Men, a tank size of at least 60 liters is recommended. The setup should include numerous broken lines of sight and suitable surfaces for egg deposition, such as acrylic wool mops, java moss, or filamentous algae. A simplistic setup suffices, with no specific substrate requirement. Filtration should not be overly strong, and maintaining the fish outdoors, exposed to natural sunlight, may enhance their colors and well-being. Depending on the origin of the fish, some populations may thrive in freshwater, while the addition of marine salt (1-3 g/L) is suggested for others.


Aphanius Men exhibits territorial behavior and specific water requirements, making it unsuitable for community aquariums. When kept in groups, maintaining a ratio of two or three females per male is ideal to balance aggression. Males of this species are notably aggressive, often engaging in fatal fights, especially if the tank lacks ample decor. They may also display aggression towards other fish species in a community setting, emphasizing the preference for solitary maintenance.

Feeding and Diet

While generally omnivorous, Aphanius Men display a preference for plant-based foods, with a significant portion of their diet consisting of algae and plant matter. In captivity, ensuring access to filamentous algae or offering high-quality dried foods supplemented with Spirulina is recommended. Additionally, regular feeding of small live or frozen foods like Artemia, Daphnia, or bloodworm is crucial, particularly during periods of increased reproductive activity in spring and summer.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Captive breeding of Aphanius Men is achievable with proper tank conditions. Females deposit eggs continuously between April and September, with males establishing territories to entice spawning. Male coloration intensifies during breeding, displaying dark tones and iridescent blue spots, contrasting with the plainer appearance of females. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced in this species, with females being larger and males exhibiting more intricate color patterns, especially when breeding.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Aphanius Men inhabit various biotopes, including coastal lagoons, marshes, streams, and irrigation canals in fresh to slightly brackish water. Their distribution spans eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries, with populations primarily originating from Turkey. The fish show considerable variations in color and patterning based on locality, highlighting the importance of preserving distinct populations. While the species is not at risk of extinction, several populations are threatened due to various factors, necessitating conservation efforts.


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