Fresh Water
Cyprinodon Desquamator

Cyprinodon Desquamator

Cyprinodontiformes Print

Family: Cyprinodontidae
Classification Order: Cyprinodontiformes

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Maximum Size3.1cm / 1.22inches

General Description

The Scale-Eating Pupfish, scientifically known as Cyprinodon Desquamator, is characterized by its elongated body shape and large supra-terminal jaws. Adult males of this species display a unique color pattern with solid black pigmentation across their entire body and median fins. Unlike other Cyprinodon species, the Scale-Eating Pupfish specialized its diet to include fish scales, constituting approximately 50% of its food intake. This behavior is facilitated by physical adaptations such as an elongated body and a jaw mechanism that allows for a fast biting action.

Aquarium Setup

For the Scale-Eating Pupfish, it is recommended to set up an aquarium that mimics its natural habitat. Shallow tanks with a depth not exceeding 3 meters, ample space for swimming, and vegetation like macroalgae and wigeongrass in the littoral zones are ideal. Maintaining a diet similar to what is available in their natural habitats and providing suitable hiding spots for breeding and reproduction purposes are also crucial. For specific water parameter requirements, refer to the associated table.


Males of Cyprinodon Desquamator have been observed guarding breeding areas in waters of depths ranging from 0.05 to 1 meter. Their breeding behavior is not limited to a specific season, but breeding activity appears to peak during the summer months. Sexual dimorphism is evident in mature males, who display a metallic blue anterodorsal region and differ from females and juveniles in coloration patterns.

Feeding and Diet

The Scale-Eating Pupfish has a specialized diet that includes fish scales as a significant portion of its food source. This unique feeding behavior is supported by the species' physical adaptations, such as elongated body shape and jaw mechanism that allow efficient scale consumption. Research has been conducted to understand the evolutionary mechanisms behind this ecological novelty.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding among Cyprinodon Desquamator occurs year-round, with observations suggesting a preference for the summer months. Mature males exhibit distinct metallic blue coloration and lack the black margin on the caudal fin seen in other species. Nuptial males display specific colorations, with gray or black ventral coloration, unlike females and juveniles with unique black and white ocellus markings on the dorsal fin.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, the Scale-Eating Pupfish inhabits six hypersaline lakes, including Crescent Pond, Osprey Lake, Oyster Lake, Little Lake, Mermaid Pond, and Great Lake. These lakes are characterized by shallow depths, reaching no more than 3 meters, with abundant macroalgae and wigeongrass in the littoral zones. Cyprinodon Desquamator shares its habitat with other congeneric species and has evolved specific adaptations to thrive in these environments.


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