Fresh Water
Cyprinodon Pachycephalus

Cyprinodon Pachycephalus

Cyprinodontiformes Print

Family: Cyprinodontidae
Classification Order: Cyprinodontiformes

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size4.5cm / 1.77inches

General Description

Cyprinodon pachycephalus, a member of the Cyprinodontidae family, derives its name from the Ancient Greek words for "carp" and "tooth." The species is characterized by its pronounced thick head shape. It is a petite fish, with a maximum size reaching 4.5cm.

Aquarium Setup

For Cyprinodon pachycephalus, a tank size of at least 60 litres is recommended. The setup should not be overly complex but should offer numerous broken lines-of-sight. Providing ample cover through aquatic plants and wool mops is essential. When it comes to filtration, air-powered sponge-type units are preferred as they do not pose a threat to eggs or fry. While lighting is not crucial, it can be included, and promoting the growth of filamentous algae is beneficial.


The behavior of C. pachycephalus is influenced by its habitat. These fish are known to be relatively peaceful, but they can exhibit territorial behavior, especially during breeding periods. They are primarily found in the springs at Baños de San Diego in Mexico and are adaptable to various water conditions.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, C. pachycephalus feeds on small invertebrates, zooplankton, and algae. In an aquarium setting, they can be fed a diet of high-quality flake food, small live or frozen invertebrates, and commercial micro-pellets. Offering a varied diet will help ensure their nutritional needs are met.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

The reproductive behavior of C. pachycephalus involves the male displaying vibrant colors to attract a mate. After successful courtship, the female will lay eggs that adhere to surfaces such as aquatic plants. The male plays a role in guarding the eggs until they hatch. Sexual dimorphism is not highly pronounced in this species, with subtle differences in coloration between males and females.

Habitat and Distribution

Cyprinodon pachycephalus is endemic to the spring of San Diego de Alcalá and its distributaries in Chihuahua state, northern Mexico. The species thrives in thermal springs producing water at a constant temperature of about 43.8°C. These fish are found in unshaded streams that are approximately 2-3 meters wide and relatively shallow. The habitat of C. pachycephalus has undergone modifications over the years due to human interventions, leading to interactions with other fish species like Gambusia zarskei and Tilapia.


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