Fresh Water
Aphyosemion Bualanum

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Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches

General Description

The Aphyosemion Bualanum, previously misidentified as A. elberti prior to 1990, is a species listed as 'endangered' by the IUCN. It belongs to the family Nothobranchiidae and is classified under the order Cyprinodontiformes. With a maximum size of 5.0cm, the confirmation of accurate specimen identification remains uncertain.

Aquarium Setup

The Aphyosemion Bualanum requires a suitable aquarium setup that mimics its natural habitat. A well-planted tank with hiding spots and subdued lighting is ideal. Water parameters should be maintained as specified in the table below (see table for details).


Known for their vibrant colors and active swimming behavior, Aphyosemion Bualanum are relatively peaceful fish. They prefer swimming in the middle and top layers of the tank.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Aphyosemion Bualanum primarily feed on small invertebrates and insects. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of high-quality flake food, supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Aphyosemion Bualanum can be achieved by providing suitable breeding conditions such as floating plants for the females to spawn among. Males are typically more colorful than females, exhibiting vibrant hues to attract potential mates.

Habitat and Distribution

Originally described from 'Buala, Cameroon,' which is now Bouala in the Central African Republic, the Aphyosemion Bualanum is found in various regions including northern Cameroon, western Central African Republic, southeastern Chad, and possibly eastern Nigeria within the upper Benue and Mayo Kébbi river systems.


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