Fresh Water
Aphyosemion Hanneloreae

Aphyosemion Hanneloreae

Cyprinodontiformes Print

Family: Nothobranchiidae
Classification Order: Cyprinodontiformes

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Maximum Size4.0cm / 1.57inches

General Description

Aphyosemion Hanneloreae, part of the Aplocheiloid-toothcarps category within the order Cyprinodontiformes, is a species that typically reaches a maximum size of 4.0cm. Its type locality is Malinga, situated in the middle of the Du Chaillu mountain range in Ngounié province, southern Gabon, in close proximity to the Republic of the Congo.

Aquarium Setup

For keeping Aphyosemion Hanneloreae, a well-established aquarium setup mimicking its natural habitat is vital. It is recommended to provide dense vegetation, floating plants, and subdued lighting to replicate its native environment. Additionally, a soft sandy substrate and a mix of hiding spots like caves or driftwood can be beneficial. Temperature and water parameters should align with the species' requirements (see table).


Aphyosemion Hanneloreae is known to exhibit typical behavior for its genus, displaying characteristics such as territoriality and courtship rituals. Males may showcase vibrant colors during breeding displays, while both males and females can be somewhat aggressive towards one another, especially in confined spaces or when establishing territories.

Feeding and Diet

In an aquarium setting, Aphyosemion Hanneloreae can be fed a varied diet comprising high-quality flake or pellet food, supplemented with live or frozen options like bloodworms, brine shrimp, or daphnia. Offering a diverse diet helps ensure nutritional balance and overall health for the fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

When it comes to reproduction, Aphyosemion Hanneloreae follows the typical pattern of egg-scattering toothcarps. Males will display to attract females, leading to the females laying eggs among plants or substrate. These eggs should be removed to a separate rearing tank to increase the fry's chances of survival. Dimorphism in this species is often evident in the males' more vibrant coloration, especially during courtship displays.

Habitat and Distribution

The species Aphyosemion Hanneloreae primarily inhabits the area around Malinga, located in the Du Chaillu mountain range in Ngounié province, southern Gabon. Its distribution also extends to areas near the border of the Republic of the Congo. These fish are typically found in slow-moving waters, streams, and small water bodies with abundant vegetation in their natural habitat.


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