Fresh Water
Phalloceros Caudimaculatus

Phalloceros Caudimaculatus

Cyprinodontiformes Print

Family: Poeciliidae
Synonym Names: Girardinus caudimaculatus Hensel
Classification Order: Cyprinodontiformes

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Minimum Tank Size50 litres / 13.21 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature16°C / 60.80°F - 22°C / 71.60°F
Hardness5.04dgH / 90ppm - 25.04dgH / 447ppm

General Description

The Dusky Millions Fish, scientifically known as Phalloceros Caudimaculatus, belongs to the Poeciliidae family within the Cyprinodontiformes order. This species showcases a wide range of color patterns, with three distinct ornamental forms recognized in the aquarium trade.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, Dusky Millions Fish should be housed in a species tank. A well-equipped aquarium setup includes gentle filtration, dense vegetation for cover, and frequent small water changes to maintain suitable water conditions (see table).


These toothcarps can be best maintained in a species setup. In multi-species tanks, they may exhibit aggression, especially the males in pursuit of females. Having more females than males is advisable to balance aggression.

Feeding and Diet

Dusky Millions Fish are omnivorous and accept a variety of foods in captivity, including frozen and dry diets. In the wild, they feed on algae, small insects, larvae, and crustaceans.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

As livebearers, breeding Dusky Millions Fish is relatively simple. Well-fed parents and densely planted areas in the tank promote successful reproduction. The gestation period lasts 4-6 weeks, and fry can feed on microworms and Artemia.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Dusky Millions Fish inhabit sluggish rivers, streams, and ponds with dense vegetation. They are native to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina, with feral populations reported in Australia, New Zealand, Ethiopia, and Malawi.

The Dusky Millions Fish, with its variable color patterns and easy breeding habits, thrives in a well-maintained aquarium environment that mimics its natural habitat.


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