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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Care DescriptionEasy
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 23.9°C / 75.02°F
Carbonate Hardness3-8

General Description

The Magnificus Killifish, scientifically known as Simpsonichthys magnificus, is a peaceful species with vibrant blue and red coloration in males and a more subdued appearance in females. Belonging to the family Rivulidae, these fish are native to South America but are commonly found in community aquariums due to their captivating colors and lively behavior.

Aquarium Setup

For these easy-to-care-for carnivores, an aquarium with a minimum size of 80 litres is recommended. The Magnificus Killifish prefer softer water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5 and a hardness of 3-8 dKH, kept at a temperature between 22.2-23.9°C. They thrive in heavily planted tanks with areas for hiding and exploring. See table for specific water conditions.


The Magnificus Killifish is known for its peaceful temperament and can adapt well to various water conditions. These fish are active swimmers and will explore all levels of the aquarium. They are not aggressive towards other fish, making them a suitable choice for community tanks.

Feeding and Diet

As carnivores, Magnificus Killifish require a diet rich in protein. They readily accept live foods such as brine shrimp, white worms, and tubifex. Additionally, they can be fed high-quality dry flakes and frozen foods. A varied diet ensures their nutritional needs are met, promoting their health and vibrant coloration.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Unlike some killifish species, the Magnificus Killifish is not an annual species. They lay their eggs in spawning mops or java moss at the bottom of the aquarium. Incubation time varies, with eggs typically hatching within five months. The male displays bright colors with gold, blue, and red hues, while the female has a more understated appearance.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Magnificus Killifish are commonly found in water holes, streams, and marshes of South America. These fish are versatile in their habitat preferences but prefer environments with ample vegetation and softer, slightly acidic water. As a species originating from South America, they are part of the New World Killifish group alongside species from North and Central America.


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