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Minimum Tank Size110 litres / 29.06 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Silver Distichodus, scientifically known as Distichodus Affinis, has gained popularity within the aquarium trade due to its vivid red fins upon maturation and occasional pink sheen on the underside, which may vary among individuals. This species is noteworthy for resembling other members of the genus Distichodus. It typically reaches a maximum size of 20.0cm and requires a minimum tank size of 110 litres to thrive.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Silver Distichodus, it is crucial to note that it is not suitable for planted tanks due to its tendency to consume most vegetation. Ideal tank conditions involve using smooth rocks and driftwood branches as tank decor, with sand or gravel as substrate. To incorporate plants, species like Anubias or Bolbitis are recommended as they are less likely to be disturbed by the fish. Providing a moderate water flow is beneficial for this species.


Despite not being inherently aggressive, it is essential to consider the potential size of the Silver Distichodus when selecting suitable tankmates. It can coexist well in African communities with species like Congo tetras, Synodontis catfish, and smaller Polypterus or Mormyrids. Additionally, it can thrive alongside larger South American characins, medium-sized catfish, and peaceful cichlids. However, caution should be exercised as it may nip at slow-moving or long-finned tankmates.

Feeding and Diet

Being an omnivorous species, the Silver Distichodus readily accepts a variety of food offerings. To maintain optimal health, it should be provided with a diet that includes a substantial amount of vegetable matter. Feeding it small live and frozen foods such as bloodworms and Daphnia, along with items like frozen peas (shells removed), Spirulina flakes, and blanched spinach, will ensure a balanced nutritional intake.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

There is limited information regarding the reproduction behavior of the Silver Distichodus in captivity. However, in their natural habitat, they are known to spawn in considerable numbers in open water. Recent reports suggest that commercial breeding of this species for the aquarium trade is occurring in eastern Europe. Regarding sexual dimorphism, details about distinguishing between male and female Silver Distichodus are currently unknown.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Silver Distichodus, or Distichodus Affinis, is native to the waters of the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It can be found in various biotopes throughout the Lower and Central Congo basin. The species thrives in water conditions with a hardness of 5-20°dH, a pH range of 6.0-8.0, and a temperature between 23-27°C.


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