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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size4.5cm / 1.77inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm


The Erromyzon species is generally peaceful but requires careful selection of tankmates due to its specific environmental needs. Suitable companions include Barilius, Garra, Devario, Rasbora, Rhinogobius, Sicyopterus, and Stiphodon gobies, as well as catfish like Glyptothorax, Akysis, and Oreoglanis. While interactions with other loaches may lead to minor disputes, keeping a group of at least four individuals is optimal for their well-being as they are loosely territorial towards conspecifics.

Feeding and Diet

These loaches predominantly feed on benthic algae and associated microorganisms in their natural habitat. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality dried foods, live or frozen bloodworms, and homemade gelatin-bound foods rich in vegetables and Spirulina. Maintaining an abundance of algae-covered surfaces, through a mature aquarium or separate algae-growing tank, is crucial for their long-term health. When acquiring emaciated specimens, consistent provision of suitable foods is necessary for their recovery.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction behavior of Erromyzon in aquaria is largely unrecorded, with limited documented instances such as that of E. sp. 'ER02' being observed by a German aquarist. Males establish territories, court females through specific movements, and fertilize eggs released into the substrate without subsequent parental care. Sexual dimorphism in size is presumed, with larger individuals likely being females.

Habitat and Distribution

Erromyzon species are native to shallow, fast-flowing, oxygen-rich headwaters and minor tributaries primarily devoid of aquatic plants. They thrive in habitats with clear, algae-rich waters that support the growth of a biofilm on submerged surfaces. Although exact distribution remains unconfirmed, specimens have been found in the Xi Jiang system in southern China, a major tributary of the Pearl River.

Aquarium Setup

To replicate their natural habitat, a well-oxygenated and clean environment is essential for Erromyzon. Setup includes the use of oversized filters, water-worn rocks, pebbles, and aged driftwood. Regular water changes are crucial, and a secure lid is necessary as these loaches can climb glass. Aquatic plants like Microsorum, Crinum, and Anubias spp. can be added, with strong lighting to promote algae growth for their diet. Maintaining stable water conditions and allowing algae growth on most surfaces are key considerations for their well-being.


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