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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm


The Erromyzon species is generally peaceful in nature. However, due to specific environmental requirements, selecting suitable tankmates is crucial. Compatible species sharing similar natural habitats include Barilius, Garra, Devario, some Rasbora, Rhinogobius, Sicyopterus, Stiphodon gobies, as well as catfish such as Glyptothorax, Akysis, and Oreoglanis. While many loaches from various families can be suitable tankmates, minor conflicts may arise, particularly with gobies from the Gastromyzontidae family. Erromyzon loaches exhibit loose territorial behavior towards conspecifics, thriving best in groups of four or more specimens.

Feeding and Diet:

The Erromyzon species likely feeds on benthic algae and associated micro-organisms in its natural habitat. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality dried foods, meaty items like live or frozen bloodworms, and homemade foods comprising fresh vegetables and Spirulina. Maintaining a mature aquarium rich in algae-covered surfaces is essential for their long-term health. If algae growth is insufficient in the main tank, a separate nursery tank can be utilized to cultivate algae-covered rocks for periodic exchange.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:

Reproduction in Erromyzon species involves nuptial males defending territories and engaging in complex communication with females before spawning. Eggs are fertilized and deposited in the substrate, where the fry remain concealed and exhibit photophobic behavior. While no extensive brood care is observed, fry can be fed sinking tablet foods post-emergence. Sexual dimorphism in Erromyzon species remains undocumented, but larger, heavier specimens are likely female.

Habitat and Distribution:

Erromyzon species are native to southern China, preferring shallow, fast-flowing, oxygen-rich headwaters, and minor tributaries with rocky substrates. They do not typically coexist with aquatic plants but thrive in clear, biofilm-rich waters with ample sunlight. While their exact range is unclear, they are commonly imported from China alongside similar species like Beaufortia, Pseudogastromyzon, or Rhinogobius.

Aquarium Setup:

To create an ideal habitat for Erromyzon species, it is essential to maintain clean, well-oxygenated water with an oversized filter and a turnover rate of 10-15 times per hour. Utilize a substrate of gravel, sand, or a mix, add various-sized rocks and aged driftwood, and incorporate adaptable aquatic plants. Regular water changes are crucial, and a secure cover is necessary as these loaches can climb glass. Aufwuchs growth on most surfaces is beneficial for their nutrition.

Water Conditions:

Maintaining water conditions within a range of 36-268ppm hardness, pH of 6.5-8.0, and temperatures of 18-24°C (64-75°F) is crucial for the well-being of Erromyzon species.


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