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Minimum Tank Size71 litres / 18.76 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

Dicrossus Maculatus, commonly known as the Spadetailed Checkerboard Cichlid, are a unique and captivating species within the Cichlidae family. They are not commonly found in the aquarium trade, often mistakenly identified as Dicrossus Filamentosa. These cichlids present a complex breeding behavior, thriving in acidic and soft water conditions.

Aquarium Setup

A tank size of at least 71 litres is recommended for Dicrossus Maculatus, with water parameters falling within a pH range of 3.4-7.0 and a temperature of 26-30°C. Setting up a heavily planted aquarium with caves for hiding spots is essential. Live foods may be crucial to bring these cichlids into breeding condition, with frozen foods serving as the staple diet.


Maculatus exhibit a peaceful demeanor towards non-conspecifics, making them an ideal addition to community tanks. Females are attentive parents, using their vivid yellow ventral fins to communicate with their fry. These cichlids are known to herd their offspring, guiding them to safe havens in the tank.

Feeding and Diet

Feeding a varied diet of high-quality frozen foods is essential for the optimal health of Dicrossus Maculatus. Live foods can play a vital role in triggering breeding behaviors in these cichlids. Ensuring a balanced diet will contribute to overall well-being and reproductive success.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Dicrossus Maculatus can be challenging, as they require extremely acidic water conditions for successful hatching of eggs. Females are typically similar in size to males and exhibit less vivid coloration. Males display striking blue sheen on their heads and gill plates, aiding in sexual differentiation.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the Rio Tapajós, Rio Maués, and surrounding regions of the Brazilian Amazon basin, Dicrossus Maculatus thrive in soft water habitats. These cichlids are accustomed to well-oxygenated waters with dense vegetation, mirroring their natural habitat for optimal health and breeding conditions.


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