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Minimum Tank Size53 litres / 14.00 US gallons
Maximum Size6.3cm / 2.48inches
Temperature27°C / 80.60°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description:

Taeniacara Candidi, a species under the Cichlidae family and Geophaginae subfamily, are known for their attractive appearance and specific care requirements. With a maximum size of 6.3cm, these dwarf cichlids exhibit a slimmer body compared to most Apistogramma genus members, although they share similar aggressive behavior especially during reproduction, with the mother fiercely guarding the fry. Native to Brazil, their natural habitat spans from the lower Rio Negro along the Amazon to the Rio Tapajós.

Aquarium Setup:

To keep Taeniacara candidi content in captivity, it is recommended to provide a densely planted tank with ample hiding spots, which can be created using driftwood, bogwood, mopani wood, or clay/plastic garden pots. Water conditions should mimic their natural habitat, with a pH range of 4.5-5.8, extremely soft water hardness of 0-1°dH, and a temperature between 27-30°C. It is crucial to be cautious with water changes, maintaining the temperature consistency to avoid upsetting these sensitive fish.


Taeniacara Candidi are notably aggressive dwarf cichlids, with conflicting reports on whether the male or female is more dominant. Males are often described as hyper-aggressive, while some accounts claim that females can take charge in a Candidi setup. In smaller tanks with multiple males, a dominant male might eliminate all other males, emphasizing the species' territorial nature and need for space.

Feeding and Diet:

As finicky eaters, Taeniacara candidi may reject dried foods, making a varied diet essential. They show a preference for live foods but can also be fed frozen alternatives. Keep a readily available source of live foods to meet their dietary needs, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition to thrive in captivity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:

Breeding Taeniacara Candidi can be challenging, requiring very specific water conditions. Despite reports of breeding difficulty, successful instances have occurred in home aquariums. High acidity and low general hardness levels are generally accepted as prerequisites for breeding. Males exhibit more vivid patterns and are larger in size, while females are smaller but still display a distinct blue-spotted caudal fin.

Habitat and Distribution:

Endemic to Brazil, Taeniacara Candidi inhabit waters ranging from the lower Rio Negro through the Amazon to the Rio Tapajós. Their natural environment comprises dense vegetation and intricate root systems typical of South American tropical freshwater ecosystems.


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