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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size2.7cm / 1.06inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness8.01dgH / 143ppm - 20.00dgH / 357ppm

General Description

The Sabanus Bumblebee Goby, scientifically known as Brachygobius Sabanus, is a commonly traded member of the genus with some confusion regarding its identification and natural distribution. It is often mistaken for other species such as B. doriae, B. nunus, or B. xanthozonus. Characterized by its three bands on the body, dark saddles, and distinct markings, this species is smaller in size compared to its relatives.

Aquarium Setup

A minimum tank size of 40 litres is recommended for the Sabanus Bumblebee Goby. The setup should include plenty of hiding spots to create broken lines of sight, allowing weaker individuals to evade dominant fish. Incorporating crushed coral or coral sand in the substrate can act as a buffer, or marine salt can be added at a ratio of about 2 grams per litre. Filtration should be gentle, with an air-powered sponge-type unit being ideal (see table for specific water conditions).


These gobies are not suited for community tanks and are best kept in a species-specific setup. While males can be territorial towards one another, having a group of 6 or more individuals helps in spreading aggression and encourages more natural behavior among the fish.

Feeding and Diet

The Sabanus Bumblebee Goby's diet primarily consists of small live foods like Artemia and Daphnia, with some individuals eventually accepting frozen alternatives. Dried food products are often disregarded, emphasizing the importance of live prey in their diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During the breeding process, a male goby selects a spawning site and attracts a female. The female deposits around 100-200 eggs, which the male guards until hatching. Sexually mature females appear rounder-bodied than males, especially when carrying eggs. Males may exhibit a reddish tinge and paler body markings when in spawning condition.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in both freshwater and brackish environments, these gobies inhabit lowland coastal areas like mangrove swamps, estuaries, and tidal streams. The Sabanus Bumblebee Goby's distribution ranges from Malaysia to Thailand, with populations in Singapore likely introduced. They thrive in substrates consisting of mud, sand, silt, and organic materials like leaf litter.


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