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Minimum Tank Size113 litres / 29.85 US gallons
Maximum Size14.0cm / 5.51inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionEasy
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Bluespotted Watchman Goby, also known as the Blackfinned Shrimp Goby, was initially identified by Bleeker in 1849. It exhibits two color phases, with the first phase sporting an orange head with blue spots, an orange body with red bands, and black spots on its dorsal fin. The second phase is characterized by an olive drab coloration with blue spots.

Aquarium Suitability

This goby species is suitable for aquariums of 30 gallons or larger, provided there is an abundance of loose coral rubble, ample swimming space, and a sandy substrate for burrowing. While generally peaceful, it is territorial and may engage in conflicts with its own species unless they are a mated pair. Caution is advised when housing this goby with smaller ornamental shrimp, as it may display aggression. A securely fitted cover is recommended to prevent it from leaping out of the tank.

Care and Hardiness

The Bluespotted Watchman Goby falls under the category of easy care. It thrives on a diet comprising mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and table shrimp, feeding primarily on suspended prey in the water column while also foraging on the substrate. Regular feeding schedules of at least three times a day are recommended for optimal health.

Reef Suitability

Reef compatibility is high with this species, making it a suitable addition to reef aquariums.

Aquarium Setup

To create an ideal habitat for the Bluespotted Watchman Goby, ensure the tank maintains water conditions within the parameters of pH 8.1-8.4, dKH 8-12, and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Incorporate plenty of hiding spots and crevices within the aquarium to mimic its natural environment, providing a stress-free setting for this semi-aggressive species.


This goby tends to be territorial, especially towards its own kind unless in a mated pair. While generally peaceful towards other tank mates, vigilance is advised, particularly with smaller shrimp species, to prevent any aggressive interactions.

Feeding and Diet

Being a carnivorous species, the Bluespotted Watchman Goby feeds primarily on mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and table shrimp. Its feeding habits typically involve picking food off the substrate and consuming prey suspended in the water column.

Dimorphism and Captive Reproduction

Dimorphism in this species is not predominant; however, captive reproduction of the Bluespotted Watchman Goby has been achieved under suitable conditions.

Habitat and Distribution

The natural habitat of Cryptocentrus pavoninoides, the Bluespotted Watchman Goby, includes sandy bottoms of lagoons and coastal reefs in the Western Pacific Ocean region.


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