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Minimum Tank Size72 litres / 19.02 US gallons
Maximum Size6.7cm / 2.64inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 25°C / 77.00°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Rhinogobius Lanyuensis, a species within the Gobiidae family, can be distinguished by specific traits such as the presence of dark lateral stripes in females and longer dorsal and anal fins in males. With a maximum size of 6.7cm, this species exhibits unique characteristics within its genus Rhinogobius, which includes over 60 recognized species.

Aquarium Setup

To maintain Rhinogobius Lanyuensis successfully, an aquarium setup mimicking a flowing stream environment is recommended. Utilize a substrate of rocks, sand, fine gravel, and water-worn boulders. The tank can be decorated with driftwood, terracotta pipes, and plant pots to create hiding spots and broken lines of sight. Hardy aquatic plants like Microsorum, Bolbitis, or Anubias spp. can be added, but ensure the water remains clean with weekly water changes of 30-50%. Additionally, a good oxygen level and some water movement should be maintained with power filters, powerheads, or airstones.


These fish show distinct reproductive strategies based on their environment; those in rivers connected to seas are typically amphidromous, while landlocked populations are non-diadromous. Rhinogobius Lanyuensis, like others in its genus, can display different behaviors depending on their habitat and social interactions within the aquarium setting.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Rhinogobius Lanyuensis are carnivores that feed on small invertebrates and crustaceans. In an aquarium, they should be offered small live or frozen foods like bloodworms, mosquito larvae, Artemia, and Mysis. While they may eventually accept dried foods, these should not be a staple of their diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Male Rhinogobius Lanyuensis are more vibrant in color and have slightly elongated dorsal and anal fins compared to females. Females can be identified by a discontinuous dark lateral stripe absent in males. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for observing and potentially breeding these fish in a captive environment.

Habitat and Distribution

Found exclusively on Lanyu Island (also known as Orchid Island), located off the southeastern coast of Taiwan, Rhinogobius Lanyuensis inhabits small rivers with gravel and rock substrates that undergo seasonal variations in water flow and depth. This species is endemic to this specific region and has specific habitat requirements tied to its natural environment.


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