Fresh Water

Rhinogobius Mekongianus

Perciformes Print

Family: Gobiidae
Synonym Names: Gobius mekongianus Pellegrin & Fang, Ctenogobius cephalopardus Smith
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature18°C / 64.40°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Rhinogobius mekongianus, commonly known as Mekongianus, is a member of the Gobiidae family within the Perciformes order. It is a small fish species, not exceeding 5.0cm in size, with a distinct appearance characterized by specific markings and features.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for R. mekongianus, it is crucial to simulate a flowing stream environment. This includes using a substrate of rocks, sand, fine gravel, and water-worn boulders. The tank can be further enhanced with driftwood, terracotta pipes, and plant pots to create hiding spots and shaded areas. While most aquatic plants struggle in such conditions, hardy varieties like Microsorum, Bolbitis, or Anubias spp. can be introduced. Clean water with a high oxygen content is essential, necessitating regular water changes of 30-50% tank volume and the use of filtration and aeration systems as needed (see table).


R. mekongianus exhibits a range of behaviors typical of goby species. It is important to note that this species thrives in environments with minimal organic pollutants and benefits from good water quality and adequate oxygen levels.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, R. mekongianus is an opportunistic carnivore, consuming small invertebrates and crustaceans. In an aquarium setting, they should be offered live or frozen foods such as chironomid larvae, Artemia, and Daphnia. While dried foods may be accepted after acclimatization, they should not constitute the primary diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in aquarium conditions has not been reported, but observations of wild R. mekongianus suggest that males guard eggs deposited on the ceiling of caves or crevices until hatching. Adult males are more vibrantly colored and have slightly elongated dorsal and anal fins compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Naturally found in smaller rivers and streams with substrates of gravel, rocks, and boulders, *R. mekongianusinhabits parts of the Mekong River basin, including Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. Occurrences in regions such as the Nam Tha and Nam Khan tributaries demonstrate its distribution within this habitat.


The species name Rhinogobius mekongianus is derived from the Greek words "rhinos" for nose and "Gobius," indicating a characteristic feature of the genus.

This informative entry provides a comprehensive overview of Rhinogobius mekongianus encompassing its characteristics, care requirements, behavior, diet, reproduction, habitat, and distribution.


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