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General Description:

The Rhinogobius species 'CB' belongs to the R. brunneus complex within the genus Rhinogobius, characterized by specific traits such as a naked predorsal area and sensory papillae rows on the cheek. Referred to by a two-letter code based on their color pattern, R. sp. 'CB' features cross bands on its body, although it is not prevalent in the global aquarium trade.

Aquarium Setup:

For optimal care, provide an aquarium environment replicating its natural habitat, including substrates like gravel and rocks. Mimicking seasonal water flow variations is essential for their well-being. (see table)


These gobies exhibit territorial behavior during the reproductive period, with males defending territories centered around a rock where eggs are laid. After spawning, males undertake brood care responsibilities, guarding the eggs diligently.

Feeding and Diet:

Their diet primarily consists of small invertebrates, insects, and other microscopic organisms found in their natural habitat. In a captive setting, offering live or frozen foods rich in protein is crucial for their health and vitality.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:

Wild populations of Rhinogobius species 'CB' display complex breeding strategies, with some engaging in amphidromous reproduction, while others remain land-locked with exclusive freshwater breeding. The mating period typically extends from summer to early autumn, with distinct behaviors exhibited by males and females during this time.

Habitat and Distribution:

These gobies are widely distributed across Japan, except for the island of Hokkaido. They prefer smaller tributaries with rocky substrates undergoing seasonal variations in water depth, flow rate, and turbidity.


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