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General Description

The Rhinogobius Sp. 'Co', a member of the R. brunneus complex within the Gobiidae family, is characterized by predorsal nakedness or small cycloid scales and sensory papillae on the cheek. Its color pattern includes distinctive cobalt blue spots on the head and body, giving rise to its shorthand 'CO' designation.

Aquarium Setup

The Rhinogobius Sp. 'Co' thrives in aquariums mimicking its natural habitat with substrates of gravel, rocks, and boulders. Seasonal variations in water flow rate, depth, and turbidity should be replicated to mirror its wild environment (see table).


In the wild, Rhinogobius Sp. 'Co' displays a complex breeding strategy involving amphidromous migrations between freshwater and brackish environments. Males exhibit territorial behavior during the breeding season, typically from summer to early autumn.

Feeding and Diet

This species is an omnivore, feeding on a varied diet that includes small invertebrates, algae, and other organic matter found in its natural habitat. In captivity, a diverse diet consisting of live or frozen foods is recommended to ensure optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Rhinogobius Sp. 'Co' involves male territoriality and brood care, with distinct breeding strategies depending on whether the population is amphidromous or land-locked. Differences in egg size and migration patterns are observed between these populations.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in the tributaries and streams of Honshu, Japan, Rhinogobius Sp. 'Co' inhabits environments with varying water flow rates and substrate compositions. Some populations thrive in brackish habitats, while others prefer freshwater conditions, influencing their reproductive behaviors.


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