Fresh Water

Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis

Perciformes Print

Family: Gobiidae
Synonym Names: Ctenogobius yaoshanensis Luo
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size4.5cm / 1.77inches
Temperature16°C / 60.80°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

The Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis is a species that has gained popularity in the ornamental fish trade. It is a small fish with a somewhat flattish, elongate profile, distinguished by its unique physical characteristics. Belonging to the Gobiidae family within the Perciformes order, this fish is part of the Rhinogobius genus, widely distributed across continental Asia and various islands in the Western Pacific.

Aquarium Setup

Setting up an aquarium for Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis involves replicating its natural habitat. It is recommended to create a tank resembling a flowing stream with a substrate of rocks, sand, gravel, and water-worn boulders. Providing driftwood, terracotta pipes, and plants like Microsorum or Anubias can offer hiding spots and cover. Clean water with high oxygen levels is vital, requiring regular water changes and potentially the use of power filters or airstones.


Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis is known to exhibit specific behaviors typical of gobiid fish. They may be territorial, especially towards their own species, and can display unique interactions within a community tank setting. Due to their sensitivity to water quality, any changes in the aquarium environment may affect their behavior and health.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis are opportunistic carnivores, preying on small invertebrates and crustaceans. In an aquarium setting, they should be offered a diet of small live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, mosquito larvae, Artemia, and Mysis. While they may eventually accept dried foods, live and frozen options are preferable for their overall health and nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

The reproductive strategies of Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis vary based on their environment. Those in river systems connected to the sea are typically amphidromous, while landlocked populations follow a non-diadromous breeding pattern. Distinguishing between male and female specimens can be challenging without observing specific breeding behaviors or physical characteristics unique to each sex.

Habitat and Distribution

Rhinogobius Yaoshanensis is likely found in shallow, flowing headwaters and minor tributaries with well-oxygenated waters. They prefer substrates of rocks, sand, and gravel, often interspersed with boulders and leaf litter. The species originates from the Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County in China, specifically in the mountainous streams within that region.


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