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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm


Stiphodon spp. can be kept in a community tank with peaceful, similarly-sized species that inhabit streams, such as Tanichthys, Microdevario, or certain Danio species. They can also coexist with characins, small poeciliid livebearers, and freshwater shrimp of the Caridina and Neocaridina genera. It is recommended to avoid aggressive feeders like some Schistura spp. While males exhibit loose territorial behavior, they can cohabit if provided with ample space and suitable foods. Females tend to form loose groups, making it ideal to have one male with multiple females. Stiphodon spp. also get along well with other stream-dwelling gobies like Sicyopus, Sicyopterus, Rhinogobius, or Schismatogobius.

Feeding and Diet

Stiphodon spp. are specialized algal grazers, feeding on benthic algae and associated micro-organisms. They have mouthparts designed for algae consumption but may accept sinking dried foods and small meaty offerings like bloodworms. To ensure their long-term health, it is crucial to provide a mature aquarium with abundant algae-covered surfaces. In case of insufficient algae growth, a separate container with algae-covered rocks can be maintained and rotated into the main tank periodically.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Although courtship behaviors and occasional spawnings have been observed, rearing fry in captivity remains a challenge due to their complex breeding strategy. Female Stiphodon spp. are highly fecund, depositing up to 10,000 eggs in a single spawning event. The males guard the eggs until they hatch, and the pelagic larvae are washed downstream to the sea, where they develop before migrating upstream back to freshwater habitats. Sexual dimorphism is distinct, with males displaying prominent color patterns, especially during courtship.

Habitat and Distribution

Stiphodon spp. are primarily found in short coastal streams of tropical islands, often above waterfalls. Commonly inhabiting clear, well-oxygenated waters, they are adapted to rocky substrates with a rich biofilm cover. They coexist with other stream-dwelling species like Sicyopus and Sicyopterus. The distribution of Stiphodon alcedo is limited to the Ryukyu Islands in Japan, specifically recorded from streams in Okinawa and Iriomote islands, though they may have a wider distribution facilitated by ocean currents.

Aquarium Setup

To maintain Stiphodon spp. successfully, it is essential to ensure well-oxygenated and warm water conditions. Clean water, strong lighting for algae growth, and sufficient hiding places are necessary for their well-being. Incorporating a mix of gravel, rocks, and driftwood mimics their natural habitat. Aquarists should provide stable water conditions, a stable tank setup, and weekly water changes to ensure the health of these specialized algal grazers.


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