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Minimum Tank Size37 litres / 9.77 US gallons
Maximum Size7.6cm / 2.99inches
Reef CompatibleYes
Care DescriptionModerate
Specific Gravity1.020-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Dracula Goby, scientifically known as Stonogobiops dracula, is highly sought after for its striking coloration, featuring a predominantly white body contrasted with deep oxblood red bands and reddish-orange stripes. Native to the shallow reefs of the Maldives, this goby species prefers open sandy areas near reef bases and is known for its elegance and unique appearance.

Aquarium Suitability

With a peaceful temperament, the Dracula Goby can generally coexist with non-predatory fish in a tank of at least 10 gallons. This species may engage in territorial disputes with similar species or larger, aggressive fish, although it typically maintains harmony in a suitable aquarium environment.

Care and Hardiness

Moderate in care level, the Dracula Goby thrives in aquariums that replicate its natural habitat - sandy substrate with rubble. Known for its symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp, particularly Alpheus randalli, introducing both species simultaneously can promote this partnership within the tank.

Reef Suitability

Reef enthusiasts will appreciate the Dracula Goby's reef compatibility, as it can peacefully reside in a reef tank environment.

Aquarium Setup

To cater to the Dracula Goby's needs, an aquarium of at least 10 gallons with sandy substrate and ample hiding spots is recommended. Providing a varied diet consisting of mysis shrimp, frozen meaty foods, phytoplankton, and flake foods is essential for their well-being. Feeding multiple small meals throughout the day and using water pumps to disperse food mimic natural feeding conditions.


This goby species exhibits cautious behavior, keeping a vigilant eye for threats and prey. When threatened, the Dracula Goby retreats to its burrow for safety. They are active hunters, swiftly capturing prey items in the water column and returning to their burrow to consume them.

Feeding and Diet

As carnivores, Dracula Gobies thrive on a diet rich in mysis shrimp, frozen meaty foods, phytoplankton, and flake foods. Providing multiple small meals throughout the day and using water pumps to distribute food can enhance their feeding experience.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Dracula Gobies are found in the sandy areas near reef structures in the Maldives. Their natural habitat comprises shallow waters with sandy substrates and rubble, where they establish burrows and exhibit symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp.


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