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Minimum Tank Size450 litres / 118.88 US gallons
Maximum Size62.5cm / 24.61inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

The Violet Goby, scientifically known as Gobioides broussonnetii, is also commonly referred to as the dragon or Peruvian goby. Its peculiar appearance has garnered popularity in the aquarium trade, although it grows significantly large and has specific dietary needs, thriving in freshwater for only a short period. When provided with suitable conditions, this fish becomes a captivating and distinctive captive species. Another smaller species in the genus, G. peruanus, survives in freshwater, with a maximum length of approximately 18 inches, distinct for its purple-hued body.

Aquarium Setup

The Violet Goby necessitates brackish water conditions, with a salinity level of at least one-fourth that of marine water (around 1.005-1.015 sg). A soft sand substrate several inches deep is recommended as the fish enjoys burrowing. Additional hiding spots can be created using bogwood, smooth rocks, and plastic tubing for shelter. Water parameters should be maintained at a hardness of 10-25 dH, a pH range of 7.5-9.0, and a temperature between 22-26°C.


Although frequently misrepresented as a community tank fish, the Violet Goby is not suitable for such environments. It can coexist with other peaceful brackish species but may display territorial behavior. Despite its territorial tendencies, it typically does not consume smaller tankmates. The species can show aggression towards its own kind, requiring a considerably large tank for group housing to prevent conflicts successfully. When housed with aggressive species, the Violet Goby may struggle to compete for food.

Feeding and Diet

In its natural habitat, the Violet Goby feeds primarily on filamentous algae and detritus, filtering these tiny food items from nutrient-rich, turbulent waters. Newly imported specimens may initially struggle with feeding, but most eventually accept frozen and live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex, alongside algae-based fare such as algae wafers, nori sheets, or spirulina flakes. Provision of vegetable matter is crucial for the long-term health of this species.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of the Violet Goby in captivity has not been reliably documented. Sexual dimorphism is challenging to discern externally, with the most dependable method being inspection of the fish's genital papillae. Males possess a long, pointed papilla, while females have a shorter, blunt, yellowish papilla.

Habitat and Distribution

The Violet Goby inhabits estuarine zones, favoring areas above muddy substrates. It is also observed in freshwater bodies and occasionally in open waters near estuaries. Widely distributed across regions such as Southern USA, Central America, the Caribbean islands, and northeastern South America, it has been recorded in various countries like Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.


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