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Minimum Tank Size54 litres / 14.27 US gallons
Maximum Size7.5cm / 2.95inches
Temperature23.0°C / 73.40°F - 28.0°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The LDA10, scientifically known as Hypostomus Mutucae, is a small and relatively unknown species within the Loricariidae family, native to Mato Grosso, Brazil. It stands out for its peaceful nature and small adult size, with a maximum size of 7.5cm. This species, often confused with LDA09, can be distinguished by the pattern of small spots on its head, unlike LDA09 which displays larger and uniform spots over the body.

Aquarium Setup

For the LDA10, a tank size starting from 54 litres is recommended. The ideal tank setup consists of a biotope with a sandy substrate scattered with smooth pebbles and rocks of varying sizes. Adding some driftwood branches enhances the environment while a powerhead for water movement and oxygenation is advised. While plants may struggle in these conditions, hardier species like Anubias and java fern could potentially survive, although soft-leaved varieties might be prone to being eaten.


This species is considered peaceful and can adapt well to community tanks with other calm species. LDA10 tends to be non-territorial, making it suitable for both a species-specific setup or in the company of other peaceful Loricariids. It can coexist harmoniously with characins, South American cichlids, Corydoras catfish, and even African cichlids of the Steatocranus genus.

Feeding and Diet

The LDA10 is primarily vegetarian, requiring a diet rich in fruit and vegetable matter. This can be provided in fresh forms such as cucumber slices, blanched spinach, and tomatoes, as well as dried forms like algae wafers and spirulina tablets. Occasional offerings of small live or frozen foods like bloodworms or daphnia can complement its diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Information on the breeding of LDA10 in captivity is scarce, indicating that it has not been successfully bred in hobbyist settings yet. When it comes to sexual dimorphism, distinguishing between male and female LDA10 externally is challenging. Males typically have a pointed genital papilla while females have a rounded one, but examining these features in such small fish remains difficult.

Habitat and Distribution

In its natural habitat, the LDA10 thrives in flowing, highly oxygenated waters over sandy substrates adorned with rocks and stones. The species hails from the Rio Mutuca in Mato Grosso, Brazil, influencing its scientific name. The water conditions conducive to this species include a pH range of 6.2-7.6, a temperature range of 23.0-28.0°C, and a water hardness of 2-15°dH.


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